The goal of this paper is to review the concept of autonomy support in the classroom within the self-determination framework. Autonomy is defined as a form of voluntary action, stemming from a person's interest and with no external pressure. Social environments that support autonomy provide ...
Turner. "Supporting Autonomy in the Classroom: Ways Teachers Encour- age Student Decision Making and Ownership." Edu- cational Psychologist 39.2 (2004): 97-110. Print.Stefanou, C. R., Perencevich, K. C., DiCintio, M., & Turner, J. C. (2004). Supporting autonomy in the classroom:...
Reflective lesson planning: Promoting learner autonomy in the classroom Learner autonomy is a somewhat nebulous concept. It is, in Holec's (1981: 3) widely used definition, "the ability to take charge of one's own learning". However, for language teachers wanting to develop a more student-ce...
Abstract. Why are some students more engaged in and adjusted to school than others? Why are some students more competent and why do they perform better than others? Self-determination theory is a theory of human motivation to explain students’ classroom
Benson,P. Learner autonomy in the classroom[A].New York:McGraw-Hill,2003.289-308.Benson, P., (2003). Learner Autonomy in the Classroom. In D. Nunan (ed.), Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw Hill, 289-308.Benson, P. (2003). Learner autonomy in the classroom. In D...
(2003). Learner autonomy in the classroom. In D. Nunan (Ed.) Practical Boud, D. (1995) Moving towards autonomy in Developing student autonomy in Learning, New York: Nichols Publishing. Google Scholar Dickinson, 1995 Dickinson, L. (1995) Moving towards autonomy in Developing student ...
thinking.What's moreimportant,theeducationsystemmustbereformedinordertogivelearnersmore opportunitiestotakeresponsibilityintheirownlearning. Keywords:learners'autonomy,languageclassroom,learningautonomy, examination-orientededucationsystem 摘要:学习自主是一种提高英语教学效率的有效方法。但是在中国,由于应试教育体系的...
Stefanou, C. R., Perencevich, K. C., DiCintio, M., & Turner, J. C. (2004). Supporting autonomy in the classroom: Ways teachers encourage student decision making and ownership.Educational Psychologist, 39(2), 97–110. Google Scholar ...
While collaborative group work is recognized as an effective means to foster autonomy in the classroom (Little, 1996; Benson, 2011), few studies have been found in using group work to create more space for student autonomy in the Chinese secondary education context. Moreover, according to Borg...
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