有没有必要从AutoHotKey V1.1版本转到V2版本? 1磨刀师开始砍柴 清华大学 数据科学与信息技术硕士的语法有点混乱,哪天我有空,把自己旧代码改一下,完全抛弃legancy 但v2有个缺点: 很多地方都得加双引号。AutoHotkey 1.1.*- pr… ...
Ahk2Exe is the official AutoHotkey script to EXE converter, which is written itself in AutoHotkey v1.1. It compiles v1.1 and v2+ scripts into executables. How to compile Ahk2Exe Ahk2Exe must be compiled with itself as it uses compiler directives. The compilation...
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BatToExeConverter\ BOOTICE\ BootTest\ BulkRenameUtility\ Calc\ CCleaner\ ChipGenius\ CloseAllWindows\ CnCrypt\ CPU_Z\ CPUTemp\ CrystalDiskMark\ CurrPorts\ CuteFTPPro\ Defraggler\ DiskGenius\ Dism++\ DisplayX\ DNSJumper\ DontSleep\ DoubleKillerPro\ DriveLetterChanger\ DriveLetterView\ Easy7z\ Easy...
一个个手写控件,实在太麻烦了,AHK有相应的工具,只需要动动鼠标拖拽就可以生成UI代码 下载地址GitHub - samfisherirl/Easy-Auto-GUI-for-AHK-v2: Alguimist's 'Easy AutoGUI' GUI-Designer-Builder modified for Autohotkey v2.0, using mmikeww's AHKv2 converter ...