my autohotkey code is /* #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #NoTrayIcon clipboard=%1%...
You can place the AutoHotKey script in the Startup folder to run it on startup in Windows 11. To do the same, copy the file, open Run by Win + R, entershell:startup,click Ok, and then paste the file. This will allow Windows to run the script every time your system boots up. A...
Is AutoHotKey / Karabiner installed AutoHotKey (Windows) Karabiner (macOS) Other keyboard-related software installed No response Additional Context binutils 2.43-r2 newlib gcc 14.2.1 20241116 (Gentoo 14.2.1_p20241116 p3) crossdev 20241202 lucasmr added bug help wanted labels Dec 15,...
I'd suggest using BetterTouchTool on mac and AutoHotKey on windows. BTT is more user friendly while AHK has more learning curve. There are AHK alternatives on Windows but I haven't tried them myself. The macro suppose to perform those actions in your case: 1. Press "...
BatToExe or Autohotkey can be used to convert bat to exe and place it under the project root path for easy use of the Windows system. 修改bin目录下的startup.bat中的chrome路径为本地chrome浏览器路径。 可以使用BatToExe或者Autohotkey等将bat转换成exe放置在项目根路径下方便windows系统的使用。About...
HI, Having several AutoIT and AutoHotKey Scripts. How can I in a fast and smooth way convert these to PowerShell scripts (.ps1) ?? Would be nice if there were a function, where you could export the script to PowerShell ? Best regards, Jan Larsen / IBM
思路:先用数组对象,下标1-26对应存储字符A-Z,.然后把excel列数字 看成二十六进制的数 二十六进制,11表示27,12表示28.然后从数组对象里查询到:1对应的是A,.2对应的是B.这样11改成AA,12改成AB。 测试反例: 52 的26进制应该是 20 而excel中52列是AZ,与二十六进制结果不对应。尽管A*26^1+Z*26^0 与2...
I'd suggest using BetterTouchTool on mac and AutoHotKey on windows. BTT is more user friendly while AHK has more learning curve. There are AHK alternatives on Windows but I haven't tried them myself. The macro suppose to perform those actions in your case: 1. Press "...
{Class:CellPhone} :: Error: Type: MethodError\nMessage: The procedure was' ; ' too complicated!\nWhat: CellPhone.__Enum\nFile: C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\AutoHotkey\\Lib\\Stringify.ahk' ; ' \nLine: 9\nStack: C:\\Users\\User\\Documents\\AutoHotkey\\Lib\\Stringify.ahk (9) : ...