I have a daft keyboard with no function keys. I thought I could create a Gui and launch it via the sc029 key which it does have, press a Gui button and then send the matching F key to the current window. The problem I am having is sending function keys. I made a GUi but that ...
Send, AutoHotkey Return 很多人都有一个共同的问题, 他们认为花括号放在文档中仅仅是为了好玩. 而实际上花括号是需要的. 它将告诉 AutoHotkey{!}表示 "感叹号" , 而不是要 "按下 Alt 键". 所以要仔细查看Send页上的特殊键表格, 确保在合适的地方加上花括号. 例如: Send, This text has been typed{!} ...
For future reference, if I got this right, a function ControlSend() isdefined in script2.cpp. It calls a function SendKeys(), which isdefined in keyboard_mouse.cpp. It has 855 lines of code and calls a function PostMessage() in two places with parameter WM_CHAR, as well as doing Go...
建议设置SetKeyDelay、SetMouseDelay(设置Mouse延迟)和SetDefaultMouseSpeed为 -1 可以提高 SendEvent 的速度,以防 SendInput 不可用并回退到 SendEvent。 SetWinDelay和SetControlDelay可能会影响性能,具体取决于脚本。 SendInput是最快的发送方法。SendEvent(默认的)排在第二位,SendPlay排在第三位(尽管它是最兼容的)。S...
AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode ...
Send、SendInput、SendEvent函数多次输入单个键 我已经在AutoHotKey.I中创建了一个脚本。我必须输入要在文件浏览器中打开的整个文件路径。我使用过send函数,但它多次传递相同的键。我尝试使用函数SetKeyDelay,但它仍然多次按键。我尝试了其他替代方案,如sendInput和SendEvent,但仍然不起作用。即使我在两者之间终止脚...
SendInput function (winuser.h) MapVirtualKeyA function (winuser.h) 调研起因 capslock键作为modify key,键盘威力大增。但是: 如果不用powertoy keyboard manager把capslock改成其他键,连续按下capslock时,有时会切到大写。麻烦大了。 (用powertoy keyboard manager?) 把capslock映射为insert时, 敲capslock a等我...
thishotkeyevenwhenmodiferkey(s)aredown. ~热键被触发后,动作不会被阻塞 AutoHotKey使用教程(五)---按键重映射 按键重映射的语法格式:OriginKey::DestinationKey。请看下面的例子: a::b 在上面的例子中体会以下几点: 1)使用键盘敲“a“,会自动映射成”b“ 2...
If InStr(ErrorLevel,"EndKey") state = Else If InStr(".!?",key) state = 1 Else If InStr("`t `n",key) { If state = 1 state = 2 } Else { If state = 2 Send {BS}{%key%} state = } } Return Return ; function that detect which keyboard layout is being used ...