Menu, Tray, Add,按F4键显示或者隐藏Total Commander, ccc ; 创建新菜单项. Hotkey,!z,ExitAppMenuHandler ExitAppMenuHandler() { ExitApp } ;=== 设置关闭显示器的快捷键为 双击 Ctrl键 === Control:: if(A_PriorHotkey <>"Control"or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 400) { KeyWait, Control return ...
; D:\app\RegHotkey\RegHotkey.ahk ; 鼠标右击AHK托盘图标显示菜单并提示所有快捷键 ; AutoHotkey版本1.1 ;=== 强制自身以 U64 + 管理员权限 运行,编译此脚本时选择 ANSI 32位 === runwith("admin","U64") MsgBox,0,. 快捷键提示:,Alt+空格 Maye`n`n~ Total Commander`n`nAlt + 3 MasterSeeker`...
hi im trying to remap a key (for csgo bhop) to my mouse. I want to bind to Mouse3 (scroll button) or mwheelup (scroll wheel up) or mwheeldown. (wheel down) if there is no way for my script to bind to wheel up/down, what about mouse3? thanks!
; := DllCall("GetCommandLine","str")ifnot (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line,"/restart(?!\S)")) {try; leads to having the script re-launching itselfasadministrator...
My script so far Code: Select all - Download - Line numbers - Word wrap - V1 #IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad MButton::click, down Right RButton::Ctrl #If GetKeyState("RButton", "P") LButton::t return I want to set Middle Mouse button as a single toggle on and off . When i...
AutoHotkey中文版是AutoHotkey中文社区“zj1d”在AutoHotkey v2版本上进行中英文适配而来,更多适合中文用户的功能和习惯正在积极完善和筹备中,敬请期待! 如果您有好的建议可以在评论区留言! 下面先放出目前中英文功能对照表: #头指令 关键字 (看起来有些内置函数乱入到了这里 (他确实就是在这里按关键字判断的函数 ...
2. 快捷开启应用 hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"},"T",function()"/System/Library...
2. 快捷开启应用 hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"},"T",function()"/System/Library...
Hotkey, ~$*%bind_1B%, key_1BHotkey, ~$*%bind_2B%, key_2BHotkey, ~$*%bind_run%, key_3Hotkey, ~$*%bind_grenade%, key_g; ---Pattern---No_Pattern := {}; --- Light Ammo Pattern ---; --- R301 ---FileRead, R301Pattern, %A_ScriptDir%\Pattern\R301.txtR301_Pattern := ...
ScriptName 脚本名 Sec 秒 SendLevel 发送等级 SendMode 发送模式 Space 空格 StartMenu 开始菜单 StartMenuCommon 常规开始菜单 Startup 启动 StartupCommon 常规启动 StoreCapsLockMode 保持大写锁定 Tab 跳格 Temp 临时路径 ThisFunc 此函数 ThisHotkey 此热键 TickCount 系统运行时间 TimeIdle 空闲时间 TimeIdleKeyb...