下载并安装autohotkey。 在你觉得合适的地方鼠标右键-新建-autohotkey script(脚本);或者创建一个别的文件,再把后缀改成ahk也可以 一个新建的ahk文档里面会有这些东西 #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting com...
AutoHotKey 常用脚本 1; IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT GETTING STARTED: Lines that start with a2; semicolon, suchasthisone, are comments. They are not executed.34; This script has a special filename and path because itisautomatically5; launched when you run the program directly. Also, any text file wh...
AutoHotKey使用教程AutoHotKey 使用教程一何为 AutoHotKey AutoHotKey是一个免费开源的小软件,很小只有1964 KB,但是功能却非常强大,它几乎可以做键盘鼠标和操纵杆可以做的任何事情。它可以把人力完全的
.dll: Builds an experimental dll for use hosting the interpreter, such as to enable the use of v1 libraries in a v2 script. SeeREADME-LIB.md. Platforms AutoHotkeyx.vcxproj includes the following Platforms: Win32: for Windows 32-bit. ...
else if(Keyname == "b"){SendInput >__You chose Hercules,wish you happyv_SetItem := 2Send,{Enter}}else if(Keyname == "c"){SendInput >__You chose swords, wish you happyv_SetItem := 3Send,{Enter}}else{SendInput Choose errors, please re-start settings.Send,{Enter}}Return*$2::if...
extension. how can i create a basic autohotkey script? to create a basic autohotkey script, you can open any text editor and save the file with the ".ahk" extension. write the desired commands using the autohotkey syntax, such as defining hotkeys, sending keystrokes, or manipulating windows...
SendInput是最快的发送方法。SendEvent(默认的)排在第二位,SendPlay排在第三位(尽管它是最兼容的)。SendInput 不服从 SetKeyDelay、SetMouseDelay、SetDefaultMouseSpeed;在该模式下,击键之间没有延迟。 ;OPTIMIZATIONS START #NoEnv #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99000000 ...
1. hotkeys are not well supported with addscript, but can be changed with exit and start. 2. ReplaceScript requires previous calls to addscript, otherwise it crashes #107- Posted27 December 2009 - 09:45 AM Back to top HotKeyIt
AutoHotkey 中文化项目 这是一个AutoHotkey汉化项目 准备为ahk脚本添加中文关键字和中文方法 键名 实现中文编程 同时兼容原英文脚本 #头指令 关键字 (看起来有些内置函数乱入到了这里 (他确实就是在这里按关键字判断的函数 内置函数
windowstooleverythinglauncherefficientautohotkeyahkrunquick-startrunanyonce-and-for-all UpdatedOct 5, 2023 AutoHotkey Price checking script for Path of Exile. gamingtradingautohotkeyahkmacropoepath-of-exilepathofexile UpdatedAug 2, 2021 AutoHotkey