To create a new AutoHotkey script, right-click anywhere on your desktop (or wherever else is convenient) and chooseNew > AutoHotkey Script. Name it something that makes sense. Then right-click on your new file and chooseEdit Script, or open the file in your text editor of choice, to star...
"Run Script" will load your script with the AHK runtime. "Compile Script" will bundle it with an AHK executable to make an EXE file you can run. "Edit Script" will open your script in your default text editor. You can use Notepad to write AHK scripts, but we recommend usingSciTE4Au...
Now run Notepad and paste the script in. Make sure you got the whole thing, from the very beginning to the end. Next, save the file somewhere on your computer. The filename doesn’t matter, but the extension must be AHK. If you installed the Unicode version of AutoHotkey_L, it would...
Time to Make a Script in AutoHotKey Right-click on your script and chooseEdit Scriptto open it in your default text editor. As you will see, it will be pre-populated with some values that help with compatibility and performance. Ignore them, press Enter one or two times, and target your...
Re: How to Make AHK Work in Most Games - The Basics Posted:11 Mar 2016, 15:24 bySvenBent Im not sure if im using this post right but here goes Final Fantasy XI: - Gennerally needs #UseHook - Windows 10 user need to start script in administrator mode enabled as the game need to...
Button, x+1 gGetLines,&GetLines Gui,Add,Button, x+1 gResetScript,ResetScri&pt Gui,Add,DropDownList,x+1 vBreakPoints gDeleteBreakPoint,BreakPoints||DeleteAll Gui, +Resize ; Make the window resizable. Gui +LastFound MainHwnd:=WinExist() ; Create the Edit controls and display the window: ...
In Autohotkey’s repository of scripts, you can find an autocorrect script, which contains thousands of common spelling errors that most people can easily make, then automatically fix them as you write/make them. Here’s thelink to download the script. Just pressCtrl+Ato select everything in ...
; full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) ...
With a simple trick, you can run an AutoHotKey script on startup in Windows. It is pretty easy to do. AutoHotKey is one of my favorite software. In fact, I use it daily and have a fair number of custom shortcuts, macros, and text expansions that make my Windows experience that much...
AutoHotkey 中文化项目 这是一个AutoHotkey汉化项目 准备为ahk脚本添加中文关键字和中文方法 键名 实现中文编程 同时兼容原英文脚本 #头指令 关键字 (看起来有些内置函数乱入到了这里 (他确实就是在这里按关键字判断的函数 内置函数