Return function.Call(params*) } } ParseFuncAndEval(funcCallStr) { ; startPattern jw ; FoundPos := RegExMatch(callFuncStr,"O)(^(?:Get|Do)[^(]*)\((.*)\)",matchObj) FoundPos := RegExMatch(funcCallStr,"O)" zFuncCallPattern,matchObj) If (!FoundPos) { Return -1 } funcName :...
Result := DllCall("[DllFile\]Function" [, Type1, Arg1, Type2, Arg2, "Cdecl ReturnType"]) 这段冗长难懂的语法就像您所见过的所有DllCall一样不明不白,我很清楚这个感受;不过既然都看到了这里,我想您应当还保有着一鼓作气的信心。为此,我对其进行了如下分解: 调用结果 := DllCall(函数路径 , 类型...
Re: How to call a function from a dll that is injected into a process? Posted:21 Sep 2021, 18:24 byswagfag easyhook hasRhCreateStealthRemoteThread. u can create another exported function(that ure gonna call from AHK in a single, normal DllCall) in ur dll that usesRhCreateStealthRemoteT...
An(the letter A followed by an integern): The function was called but was passed too many or too few arguments. "n" is the number of bytes by which the argument list was incorrect. Ifnis positive, too many arguments (or arguments that were too large) were passed, or the call require...
winform.button.onMouseClick = function(){if(winform.button.text=="暂停AHK"){thread.suspend(handle)winform.button.text = "继续AHK"}else {thread.resume(handle)winform.button.text = "暂停AHK"}}{color={active=0xFFFFFFFF;default=0xFF000000;hover=0xFFFFFFFF};})
Re: [v2 beta1] calling function from variable value as reference Topic is solved @ Quote 02 Oct 2022, 03:36 The code in the first post never gave any errors, because outFunc isn't actually called. Adding a call to outFunc() does trigger the error with v2.0-beta.1. mess is not...
DllCall("ntdll\ZwDelayExecution","Int",0,"Int64*",-5000) ;you can use this to sleep in increments of 0.5ms if you need even more granularity #NoEnv建议用于所有脚本,它会禁用环境变量。 #MaxHotkeysPerInterval以及#HotkeyInterval,建议设置一个很大的值。
// Call function. ahkdll_(L"D://MyScript.ahk", L"", L""); // Wait for script to finish while (ahkReady_()) Sleep(50); // Unload DLL file FreeLibrary(hinstLib); return 0; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ...
4 This line does not contain a recognized action.这行不包含可识别的动作。5 Empty variable reference (%%)%%中空的引用变量。6 Return's parameter should be blank except inside a function.返回参数应该为空,除非在函数里。7 "Send" requires at least 1 parameter.Send需要至少一个参数。8 Call ...
DynaCall:导入Dll函数并定义其参数,这样不需要像DllCall那样每次调用都需要再定义。 ObjByRef:通过引用把变量保存到对象中。 ObjDump:转储对象到内存或文件中。 ObjLoad:从内存或文件中加载转储后的对象。 ObjShare:创建多线程以保存COM IDispatch代理对象。