service 2013会出错,卸载Autodesk content service 2013,下载Autodesk content service language pack ...
原因很简单:win7,win8,WIN10自带了.net framework 4.6,版本比framework 4.5新了一点。而CAD2015的语言包(AutoCAD 2015 Language Pack)在安装中只能识别net framework 4.5,所以安装失败。 CAD2015主程序没有问题,AutoCAD官方安装包在WIN10发布后没有及时更新导致.net framework 4.6无法被安装包识别。 因此我们的方法是...
AUTODESK AUTOCAD V2015 WIN 64 链接: 密码: rqi7 Autodesk Autocad LT 2015 Win32 链接: 密码: fb54 Autodesk Autocad LT 2015 Win64 链接: 密码: p73t Autodesk AutoCAD 2015 MacOSX 链接...
問題: Language PackとともにインストールされるAutoCAD 2015では、ハードウェアアクセラレーションを有効にできません。バーチャルデバイスには「gdi12.hdi(Software)」と表示されています。 解決策: まず、AutoCADにCertificationDB.xmlファイルが存在し...
Within AutoCAD 2015 which are installed with a language pack, hardware acceleration cannot be enabled. The virtual device shows "gdi12.hdi(Software)." First check that AutoCAD is not missing its CertificationDB.xml file. The path is noted below. If not p
您想知道 AutoCAD 或 AutoCAD LT 有没有适用的日语语言包。 解决方案:由于商业原因,2018 之前发布的日语语言包不可用。如果要使用 2018 之前的日语版本,必须购买完整的日语版 AutoCAD。 对于2019 之后的版本,提供日语语言包: AutoCAD AutoCAD 2022 语言包 AutoCAD 2021 语言包 AutoCAD 2020 语言包 AutoCAD 2019...
Solved: I'm using LT 2015 64 bits in French and I would like to switch my version to the english version. Installing the language pack was not the
"each language pack contains only the text strings and documents required to support a user working in the specified language; it does not duplicate the core product software." here ...
2015/8/26:15:31:22 Administrator PC201106302235 Installing.NET Framework Runtime 4.0 Language Pack: H:\Autocad2012\AutoCAD2012中文版32位(\AutoCAD_2012_Simplified_Chinese_Win_32bit\3rdParty\NET\4\wcu\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86_x64_2052.exe/q2015/8/26:15:31:48 ...
Service Pack 2 also includes all of the updates from Service Pack 1. Download AutoCAD LT 2015 sp2 and install normally Troubleshooting –If your AutoCAD is running really slowly, try disabling your integrated graphics card so you can run your high-performance card instead –If you are unable to...