当然如果想收集更多的信息最好观察安装过程,CAD安装是逐步安装的如果是某一个部分出现问题,就会在该部分终止安装。所以你也可以记录下来是哪部分出现的问题。请点击输入图片描述 3 这里是比较常见的.NET Framework Runtime 4.0 Language Pack错误。就这个典型错误接下来看解决过程。请点击输入图片描述 4 ...
AUTODESK AUTOCAD LT V2016 WIN64-ISO Autodesk AutoCAD Utility Design v2016 Win x64 AutoCAD 2016 English Win 64bit Autodesk AutoCAD 2016 SP1 with SPDS Extension AutoCAD 2016 for Mac Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 Win64 Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2017 Win64 Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 HotFix 2 Win32Win64 Autodesk...
3 将安装目录里所有X86文件夹名称改为X64 (安装程序里一般只有两个x86文件夹,分别是3rdParty文件夹里面和根目录下的x86文件夹。4 以上改完后,刚开始安装时还会出现错误(Install .NET Framework Runtime 4.0 Language Pack Failed Installation aborted, Result=1603)。这是原来win7已经有.net 4.0了,装不...
11-28-2016 12:21 AM Hello, I have autocad2017 Italian version installed. I have downloaded and installed the English language pack. Installation was without errors but when I start the English version, I get a fatal error and a crush. The italian version still works well. Please find...
I have recently downloaded AutoCad 2016 English version to my computer and accidentally uninstalled it. But when I have tried to download it again it came out that the " language pack could not be downloaded because of Autocad not being downloaded on the computer". Could you, please, help me...
must be installed by October 17th, 2018, in order to maintain access to the following feature: • Autodesk Rendering Releases This Hotfix Applies To This update contains all of the hotfixes released previously and applies to the following releases with the AutoCAD 2016 Service Pack 1 installed....
??伊水??佳人??: 选项(option)点开后,倒数第三个选项language就是语言点进去就能选择中文了。(说说是倒数第三个选项,但是最后一个选项是无法选择的,暗的,所以也可以说是倒数第二个) kiss mayue邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (2) 学3DMax是学中文版的好还是英文版的好? 共2条回答 > George Tan: 你真的...
Language Pack 安装AUTOCAD2006时弹出对话框说:已终止CAD安装,请高手解决应用程序生成了一个无法处理的异常。进程I D=0xd58( 3461),线程 ID=0xd5c (3420).单击“确定”终止该应用程序。单击取消调试该程序。安装AUTOCAD2006时弹出对话框说:已终止CAD安装,请检查“C:/DOCUME~1/ ADMI NI~1/LOCALS~1/ Temp/...
中文版的 preview guide 和 readme 可以在 "简体中文下载" 中获得。 步骤2:请到"AutoCAD Downloads"中, 下载相关的ACAD安装程序并安装ACAD。 步骤3:如果你喜欢中文界面, 可以到"简体中文下载" 中下载相应的 "Language Pack 简体中文" 并安装。软件下载地址: 网盘高速下载 观看安装视频教程 特别说明: 本站所有...