尝试使用CUILOAD命令加载自定义文件(例如包含自定义工具栏)时,工具栏无法加载且不显示。 原因:权限问题。 解决方案:确保用户对C:\Program Files中的Autodesk 文件夹拥有完全读/写权限。执行以下步骤: 转到C:\Program Files。 在Autodesk文件夹上单击鼠标右键,然后单击“特性”。 打开“安全...
尝试使用CUILOAD命令加载自定义文件(例如包含自定义工具栏)时,工具栏无法加载且不显示。 原因:权限问题。 解决方案:确保用户对C:\Program Files中的Autodesk 文件夹拥有完全读/写权限。执行以下步骤: 转到C:\Program Files。 在Autodesk文件夹上单击鼠标右键,然后单击“特性”。 打开“安...
Can be the problem that it is not a lsp text file but a FLay.cuix format? 回覆 Vladimir Michl (發佈者) | 五月17, 2021 FLay is autoloaded in each drawing document. And its reactor is ON by default. So there is no need for trying to load it again. Excelente Tracy Mora | 五...
Can be the problem that it is not a lsp text file but a FLay.cuix format? Reply FLay is autoloaded in each drawing document. And its reactor is ON by default. So there is no need for trying to load it again. Excelente Tracy Mora |May 06, 2021Verified Download(What's this?) ...
CUIEXPORT(命令) 将主 CUIx 文件中的自定义设置输出到企业或局部 CUIx 文件。 CUIIMPORT(命令) 将企业或局部 CUIx 文件中的自定义设置输入到主 CUIx 文件。 CUILOAD(命令) 加载自定义文件 (CUIx)。 CUIUNLOAD(命令) 卸载 CUIx 文件。 CUI(命令) 管理产品中自定义的用户界面元素。
CUIEXPORT(命令) 将主 CUIx 文件中的自定义设置输出到企业或局部 CUIx 文件。CUIIMPORT(命令) 将企业或局部 CUIx 文件中的自定义设置输入到主 CUIx 文件。CUILOAD(命令) 加载自定义文件 (CUIx)。CUIUNLOAD(命令) 卸载 CUIx 文件。CUI(命令) 管理产品中自定义的用户界面元素。CUSTOMIZE(命令) 自定义工具选项板和...
You can search CUIx files for commands or text strings. You can also replace commands or text strings one at a time or all at once. Search strings can include command or user interface element names, command display names, descriptions, macros, and tags. You can limit or expand your se...
Users reported that after starting up the AutoCAD or during its use, the ribbon, status bar, or other toolbars are missing, blank, empty, or have disappeared. Also, a message may appear that states that the customization file (*.cuix) cannot be located.
CUIUNLOAD(命令) 卸载 CUIx 文件。 CUI(命令) 管理产品中自定义的用户界面元素。 CUSTOMIZE(命令) 自定义工具选项板和工具选项板组。 CUTCLIP(命令) 将选定的对象复制到剪贴板,并将其从图形中删除。 CVADD(命令) 将控制点添加到 NURBS 曲面和样条曲线。
· The Customization setting includes .cuix, mnu, workspace files, and more. · The Printer support files setting includes copies of printer support files such as .pc3, ctb, and .stb files. · The Custom hatch pattern setting includes your custom hatch pattern files. ...