在左侧窗格中,从 AutoCAD 2014 或更早版本中加载配置文件 acad.cuix。 从左侧窗格的工作空间列表中,将“AutoCAD 经典”拖到右侧窗格的工作空间列表中。 单击应用,然后单击确定以关闭配置编辑器。 要了解更多信息,请观看截屏视频:从先前版本中输入 AutoCAD 经典工作空间。移植...
AutoCAD 中的 CUIx 需要恢复到其先前状态或重置为原始状态,因为菜单系统损坏或者自定义时出现错误。 原因:自定义 CUIx 之后,它不再按预期工作或已损坏,导致下拉菜单或功能区无响应或不工作。或者使某些键盘快捷键不起作用。 解决方案: 重置或恢复 CUIx: 在AutoCAD 的命令行中键入 CUI。 在打开的“自定义...
The Options setting includes almost all the controls in the Options dialog box. · The Customization setting includes .cuix, mnu, workspace files, and more. · The Printer support files setting includes copies of printer support files such as .pc3, ctb, and .stb files. · The Custom hatch ...
The following issues have been addressed by AutoCAD Mechanical 2016 Service Pack 1: In some situations, fatal errors occur when resolving xrefs from some 3rd party applications. Unhandled Exception errors in Beam Calculation. Unhandled Exception errors in Chain Length Calculation. Slow performance of so...
Selecione o arquivo CUIX correspondente à versão software: Versão do softwarearquivo CUIX 2014 atrc191.cuix 2015 atra200.cuix 2016 atra201.cuix 2017 atra210.cuix 2018 atra220.cuix 2019 atra230.cuix 2020 atra231.cuix 2021 atra240.cuix 20...
Click the attached ZIP file to download it. Extract the ZIP file to find the ClassicWS.scr script file. Start AutoCAD. Drag the ClassicWS.scr file into any drawing window or use the SCRIPT command to run it.Note: The ZIP attachment also contains CUI...
cui/cuix XML schema to define the user interface. The values are interpreted slightly differently (for example, ribbon panels become workflow groups) but they are very similar. AutoCAD 2011 for Mac supports Menu and Workflow customization; however, constructs like Profiles and Workspaces are not ...
It is recommended that you back up all custom CUIX, MNR, and MNL files before you apply this Service Pack. Administrative Privileges During installation, you will be prompted for the original installation media or a network image. To apply this Service Pack, you must have administrative privilege...
Text does not show up in drawings, and the Style dialog box causes AutoCAD 2014 to crash Error: “Error saving PDF file; PDF file is open or uneditable” when publishing from AutoCAD Resolution display changes from top to bottom of display on high resolution monitor in AutocAD SaC: Short...
18.2enusupportacetmain.cuix that customization group already exists. I have two boxes here where something seems to create a acfusion.cuix, an aliasconcept.cuix and a acetmain.cuix. If I unload them and restart, I dont get the error but the have been created. Could a startup lisp be crea...