In most cases, you don’t need to BCC or CC every email you send. Just certain ones. Auto BCC for Gmail lets you BCC or CC your emails based on the recipient email or domain. Exclude Recipients or Domains from Your Rules You can exclude specific emails or domains from your rules, ens...
Google Inbox Checker (Inbox by Gmail) 213 Inbox Layout for Gmail 0 Sort Gmail Inbox by cloudHQ 20 inboxy: Inbox Bundles for Gmail 36 Gmail Auto BCC 1 Gmail Auto Pop Out Reply Forward Show CC BCC 37 Auto BCC for Gmail™ 470 Smarter CC & BCC : Murmure for Gmail™ 5 ...
这个Gmail 的 Chrome 扩展做了 4 个简单的事情: 1)自动弹出回复、回复全部、转发2) 自动显示CC和BCC字段3)自动显示主题行4) 在弹出窗口显示发送和存档按钮的选项在Gmail 中保存多次点击并简化您的工作流程。 评分 4.5星(共5星),共37位用户参与评分 使用人数 7,000+ 位用户 版本 23.0.11 大小 525KB...
(5)AC_PROG_CC用来指定编译器,如果不指定,选用默认gcc。 (6)AC_OUTPUT用来设定 configure 所要产生的文件,如果是makefile,configure会把它检查出来的结果带入makefile.in文件产生合适的makefile。使用Automake时,还需要一些其他的参数,这些额外的宏用aclocal工具产生。 此文件只是下面要使用的configure.ac文件的原型,...
1) Automatically pops-out replies, replies-all, and forwards 2) Automatically shows the CC and BCC fields 3) Automatically shows the Subject Line ⇩Download Gmail Auto Pop Out Reply Forward Show CC BCC More Extensions to Consider (Similar or Related)...
SMTP Server: Port: 465. Connection Security: SSL. Authentication Required: checked. User: your Gmail address, e.g. Password: the password of your Gmail account. Display Name: your hypocorism/real name. Email Address: your Gmail address, e.g. testuser@...
Full Tune Up Service Air Conditioning Service Brakes Service Diagnostic & Inspections Oil Change Tires Performance Full Auto Repair 6 Active Experts 266 Happy Client 6 Workers Hand 311 Completed Project Cars for sale 2012 Honda CRV EX-L 2012 Volkswagon CC LUX ...
3). The email subject, CC and BCC recipients, and the email body should all be included in the Subject box. If you want to auto create an email with subject “Subject test”, cc and bcc recipients and, and the email body “new test mail”...
Support Version History Version NumberVersion Description 2.3.0 1. Add "Wipe Out' command 2. Autosave will not run if the project has no changes. 2.2.0 1. Remove "Wipe Out' command 2. Fix "first save" bugs 3. Fix other bugs ...