★ Features of "Auto BCC for Gmail™" extension:✔ Integrated with Gmail UI, auto add BCC & CC email addresses based on your config...
Auto BCC for Gmail™ - Chrome 应用商店,Auto BCC for Gmail™ - Chrome 应用商店, Automatically add BCC/CC fields when you send emails. Allow different BCC/CC addresses per each of your Gmail accounts.
Auto BCC & CC for Gmail Automatically blind carbon copy or copy Create rules to exclude certain emails BCC to Evernote, Salesforce, and other CRMs Copy your boss, your team, or anyone! Get Started Works with Integrated into GmailNo extra software!
Auto BCC for Gmail lets you BCC or CC your emails based on the recipient email or domain. Exclude Recipients or Domains from Your Rules You can exclude specific emails or domains from your rules, ensuring you never miss anything—but you can also prevent yourself from bothering someone who’...
★ 简单的gmail bcc和cc扩展,易于使用。分机与gmail邮箱交互流程如下: 1)安装插件后,刷新gmail邮箱; 2)点击插件配置页面的快捷按钮; 3)根据需要添加自动抄送和密件抄送配置信息: 4)点击撰写按钮开始撰写电子邮件; 5)插件会根据当前邮件发件人自动设置抄送和密送邮箱;而已。 gmail 密件抄送和抄送扩展功能:★ 自由...
Latest update adds option to auto pop out full screen or small window.This Chrome extension for Gmail does 3 simple things:1) Automatically...
Auto Mail Sender是一款体积轻量、简单易用的邮件发送软件,使用这款软件用户可以对邮件内容进行编辑,用户自行完成账号注册登录即可将完成编辑的邮件进行发送,该软件支持邮件图片、文本等附加插入,用户只需选择发送邮件的接收人即可完成邮件发送;Auto Mail Sender界面简洁美观、支持邮件查找、编辑、日志、备份恢复等多种功能...
ENcurl -O http://mirrors.kernel.org/gnu/m4/m4-latest.tar.gz tar -xzvf m4-latest.tar.gz...
这个Gmail 的 Chrome 扩展做了 4 个简单的事情: 1)自动弹出回复、回复全部、转发2) 自动显示CC和BCC字段3)自动显示主题行4) 在弹出窗口显示发送和存档按钮的选项在Gmail 中保存多次点击并简化您的工作流程。 评分 4.5星(共5星),共37位用户参与评分 使用人数 7,000+ 位用户 版本 23.0.11 大小 525KB...
If you want to auto create an email with subject “Subject test”, cc and bcc recipients happy.xuebi@163.com and happysiluvia@gmail.com, and the email body “new test mail”, please copy and paste Subject test&cc=happy.xuebi@163.com;&bcc=happysiluvia@gmail.com;&body=new test mail ...