自闭症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD),也被称为孤独症谱系障碍,是一种复杂的神经发育障碍。它涵盖了从轻微到严重的社交互动和社交交流能力的持续性缺陷,以及受限的、重复的行为模式、兴趣或活动。ASD不仅影响个体的社会功能,还可能伴随其他精神症状和躯体症状。根据国际疾病分类(I...
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) comprise autism/autistic disorder (ICD-10: F84.0; DSM-IV TR: 299.00), Asperger syndrome/disorder (ICD-10: F84.5; DSM-IV TR: 299.80), and atypical autism (ICD-10: F84.1)/pervasive developmental disorder 鈥 not otherwise specified (PDD-nos; DSM-IV TR: ...
Children with autism spectrum disorder might exhibit one or more of these deficits,and vary in how severe the deficit is. 患有ASD的儿童可能有一种或多种上述的缺陷,缺陷的严重程度也各异。 It's important to remember that each child with autism spectrum disorder is going to have a different spec...
Schizoid personality disorder Onset after 18 years of age Marked by a lifelong pattern of social detachment No stereotyped behavior Hearing impairment No language development Normal social interaction and communication ASD: autism spectrum disorder References World Health Organization. The ICD-10 Classif...
Table 1. DSM-IV/ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder Autistic Disorder Rett's Disorder Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Asperger's Disorder PDD-NOS Age of Onset Delays or abnormal functioning in social interaction, language, or play by age 3. Apparently normal prenatal development...
自闭症谱系障碍,即孤独症谱系障碍。国际公认的首篇报道见诸于1943年美国约翰•霍布金斯大学的里敖 •...
➢Retts雷特氏症 ➢ChildhoodDisintegrativeDisorder兒童期崩解症 ➢AutismCoreChallengeareas(CoreDeficits):自閉症主要問題(主要缺陷):➢SocialInteraction社會互動 ➢Communication溝通 ➢RestrictedInterests,Repetitive/StereotypedBehaviors 有限的興趣,重複的行為 ➢Diagnostictools脏工具:DSMIV/ICD-10andmore 3 ...
This perspective article compares and contrasts the conceptualization of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in ICD-11 and DSM-5. By guiding the user through the ICD-11 text, it is argued that, in contrast to DSM-5, ICD-11 allows a high variety in symptom combinations, which results in an ope...
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Does Neuroimaging Support the DSM-5 Proposal for a Symptom Dyad? A Systematic Review of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and... ( 2012 ). Autism spectrum disorder: Does neuroimaging support the DSM-5 proposal for a symptom dyad? A systematic review of functional mag...
Therefore, an inexperienced clinician is likely to incorrectly apply the criteria for ASD and related conditions in the DSM-5 and the ICD-10. The diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in DSM-5 has 2 key criteria: [6] Impairments in social communication and social interaction A restricted, ...