重启之后,发现还是存在问题,去卸载polkit包 rpm -ef polkit包 --nodeps 1. 因为是远程操作,忘记截图了,所以就这样写了。 卸载掉包之后重装polkit包,重新加载服务 yum -y reinstall polkit systemctl daemon-reload #如果正常的话说明问题解决了 #如果还是报错,就尝试将polkit包卸载不重装,然后在重新加载服务试试**...
Authorization not available. Check if polkit service is running or see debug message for more information. /var/log/messages中有下面错误 修复linux登录超时问题 dbus[543]: [system] Connection has not authenticated soon enough, closing it (auth_timeout=30000ms, elapsed: 30003ms) 2h - cp -av /...
Today without adjusting anything i tried to run nprestart on a dedicated server Centos 7 and i got this error: Authorization not available. Check if polkit service is running or see debug message for more information. IF i wait for a few seconds i am getting also this: Message from sys...
Authorization not available 很快我又遇到了第二个报错 代码语言:javascript 复制 Authorization not available.Checkifpolkit service is running or see debug messageformore information google一番后找到了答案,是/var下的一些软链接被我错误清理了 The symbolic link between/run,/run/lockto/var/run,/var/lockres...