认证规则(Authorization rules):用JavaScript语法定义,文件以 .rules 结尾。有两个目录可放置规则文件:第三方的包将文件放置在 /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d(尽管很少见),本地配置应该放置在 /etc/polkit-1/rules.d。 Polkit 没有取代系统已有的权限系统,而是在已有的群组和管理员上进行管控。.rules 文件指定了...
polkit的授权配置通常位于/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/目录下。你可以检查该目录下的.pkla文件,确保它们包含正确的授权规则。例如,一个典型的.pkla文件可能看起来像这样: ini [Allow User to execute specific commands] Identity=unix-user:<username> Action=org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-...
Patch9: polkit-0.115-move-to-mozjs60.patch Patch10: polkit-0.115-jsauthority-memleak.patch Patch11: polkit-0.115-pkttyagent-tcsaflush-batch-erase.patch Patch12: polkit-0.115-CVE-2021-3560.patch Patch13: polkit-0.115-CVE-2021-4034.patch Patch14: polkit-0.115-CVE-2021-4115.patch ...
In addition to acting as an authority, polkit allows users to obtain temporary authorization through authenticating either an administrative user or the owner of the session the client belongs to. This is useful for scenarios where a mechanism needs to verify that the operator of the system really...
- g_clear_object (&self->authority); G_OBJECT_CLASS (rpmostreed_sysroot_parent_class)->dispose (object); } @@ -542,118 +538,14 @@ rpmostreed_sysroot_init (RpmostreedSysroot *self) self->monitor = NULL; - if (g_getenv ("RPMOSTREE_USE_SESSION_BUS") != NULL) ...
test: temporarily disable test-polkitbackendjsauthority under ASan Jan 31, 2024 .dir-locals.el .dir-locals: Style for Emacs - we don't use tabs Jun 3, 2015 .gitignore build: Start using git.mk Jun 4, 2015 .gitlab-ci.yml Mitigate the change in pipeline restriction (runners misused by...
is a security > risk as it allows any arbitrary process to be executed. Use CVE-2014-8651. - -- CVE assignment team, MITRE CVE Numbering Authority M/S M300 202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730 USA [ PGP key available throughhttp://cve.mitre.org/cve/request_id.html] ---BEGIN PGP...