In this tutorial, we discuss two authentication protocols developed for Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), comparatively: the Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). 2. Authentication Protocols Authentication is the process of checking and verifying ...
PAP: The access device arranges the MAC address, shared key, and random value in that sequence, hashes them using the Message Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5 algorithm), and encapsulates the hash result into the User-Password attribute. CHAP: The access device arranges the CHAP ID, MAC address, and...
密码验证协议(PAP,Password Authentication Protocol)通过两握手机制,为建立远程节点的验证提供了一个简单的方法。PAP 不是一种健壮的身份验证协议。身份验证时在链路上以明文发送, 而且由于验证重试的频率和次数由远程节点来控制, 因此不能防止回放攻击和重复的尝试攻击。
PAP: The device arranges the MAC address, shared key, and random value in sequence, performs hash processing on them using the MD5 algorithm, and encapsulates the hash result into the User-Password attribute. CHAP: The device arranges the CHAP ID, MAC address, and random value in sequence, ...
Unlike PAP, CHAP employs periodic authentication challenges to verify that the client has not been compromised or substituted with a malicious entity. Continue Reading: Local & Remote Authentication in CISCO SD-WAN Understanding AAA Authentication Login & Configuration ...
此內部方法可以是 EAP 協定(例如 EAP-MSCHAP v2),也可以是非 EAP 協定(例如 Password Authentication Protocol (PAP))。在 Windows Server 2012 中,EAP-TTLS 的包含僅提供使用者端支援(在 Windows 8 中)。 NPS 目前不支援 EAP-TTLS。 客戶端支援可以與支援 EAP-TTLS 的常用部署的 RADIUS 伺...
exec:限制用户到router的EXEC访问。其主要用于dialup环境,用户使用PPP的PAP/CHAP认证方式,在通过认证后通过router访问网络,此处可以限制其在通过认证后,只能实现网络访问,而不能EXEC到router。 network:当用户通过authentication并获得一个EXEC,其就可以在一个dailup接口上建立一个PPP/SLIP连接。此method用于限制此种行为...
Windows 支援 EAP-TLS 和 EAP-MSCHAP v2 作為內部方法。EAP 通道傳送層安全性 (EAP-TTLS):由 RFC 5281 描述,封裝使用另一種內部驗證機制執行相互驗證的 TLS 會話。 此內部方法可以是 EAP 協定(例如 EAP-MSCHAP v2),也可以是非 EAP 協定(例如 Password...
ppp authentication {chap | ms-chap | ms-chap-v2 | eap |pap} [callin]This command enables local authentication of the remote PPP peer with the specified protocol. ppp chap hostnameusernameThis command defines an interface-specific CHAP hostname. Refer toPPP Authentication with the ppp chap h...
(EAP-TTLS): Described byRFC 5281, encapsulates a TLS session that performs mutual authentication using another inner authentication mechanism. This inner method can be either an EAP protocol, such as EAP-MSCHAP v2, or a non-EAP protocol, such as Password Authentication Protocol (P...