ON behalf of many people and organisations who are trying to save the Australian flora and fauna, I desire to thank you for the very sympathetic reference to the preservation problem made in NATURE of Sept. 12, 1931. Recently both governments and people have shown an increasing desire to try...
12, 1931. Recently both governments and people have shown an increasing desire to try to save the disappearing animals and plants. This has been evidenced by the passing of the Wild Flowers Preservation Act both in New South Wales and Victoria, and by the extension of the Wyperfeld (Mallee)...
respected and compassionate international scientific organisation which will diminish the threat to the survival of koalas and be an example so as to increase the consciousness of all global citizens and enable them to reverse the rapid degeneration of all the world’s flora and fauna. ...
Although there can be many contexts and interpretations within the photographic labyrinthine abyss, and even though these photographs were taken by colonial masters, the materiality of photography (as act of creation and as final printed product) and its relationship to the real is what is important...
The real Australian fauna is considerably larger, many species remaining undescribed and undoubtedly many more remaining uncollected (unknown). Sorting the large number of specimens of groups such as Cyclominae, Entiminae, Gonipterini and Hyperini housed in the Australian National Insect Collection (...
not just themselves and their shareholders. In such cases, governments should not shirk their responsibility to act in the interests of the many not the few. Nor should we fear that, unless we give businesses free rein in their pursuit of higher profits, our business people will lose all int...
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (2019). http://www.cites.org. Crates R, Rayner L, Stojanovic D, Webb M, Heinsohn R (2017) Undetected Allee effects in Australia’s threatened birds: implications for conservation. Emu 117:207–221 Google...
There goes ACT’s monopoly on this area, the beaches and towns from Bermagui to Eden along the coast. A great confluence of ocean currents brings fish flapping in here, so you can get them by hook or from the fish ‘n’ chip shop cook. Lakes and lagoons will have you up on your ...
Guidelines for Assessing the Conservation Status of Native Species According to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 (Commonwealth of Australia, 2000). Rapid Analysis of Impacts of the 2019–20 Fires on Ani...