The aim to sequence, catalog, and characterize the genomes of all of Earth’s eukaryotic biodiversity is the shared mission of many ongoing large-scale biodiversity genomics initiatives. Reference genomes of global flora and fauna have the potential to inform a broad range of major issues facing ...
The settlers' rationale for taking the lands was on the basis that they were unused or empty, but this premise of terra nullius dehumanized Aboriginal people and relegated them to the status of flora and fauna (Eckerman et al, 2007, Phillips, Lampert, 2005). Aboriginal history, the other ...
More recent research in northern Australia found that continuous oc- cupation and use of traditional fire practices by Aboriginal residents maintained the ecological integrity of their estate. Within Aboriginal managed lands, regular burns reduced wildfire risks, maintained flora and fauna diversity, re-...
“For years, lakeside communities have faced pollution from the mining industry, and from the waste of the nearby city of Oruro. The pollution also threatens flora and fauna in the lake, aninternationally recognized wetland under the Ramsar convention. “‘It’s very difficult to live and work ...
✓Therefore, with respect to criminal sanctions derived from forest fires for the damage caused, art. 246 of the Organic Integral Penal Code (COIP, mentions three types of sanctions: ...
I Simposia – Paleontol Chile, Libro Actas:91–96 Croft DA, Flynn JJ, Wyss AR (2008b) The Tinguiririca fauna of Chile and the early stages of “modernization” of South American mammal faunas. Arquivos Mus Nac, Río de Janeiro 66(1):191–211 Google Scholar Cúneo RN, Johnson K, ...
Connection with the people, with the flora and fauna, and especially with the land is what Indigenous Kokoda Adventures is all about. Our history is made up of many pieces and while it includes the battle on the Kokoda Track, it is only one piece of the kaleidoscope that defines who we ...
The flora and fauna of these two geographical locations are vastly different. Previous chicken microbiome studies were solely dependent upon culture-based methods. However, due to unknown growth requirements, majority of the microbiomes were not able to be cultured [15,16]. It is also reported ...
(2019) argue that multinational coffee corporations can improve their stakeholder engagement by empowering communities that supply coffee to act as partners and not as mere suppliers. Bruggemann et al. (2018) examine how the conservation NGO Flora & Fauna International (FFI) takes the initiative to...
Invasive non-indigenous crayfish species (NICS) are a global threat to local flora and fauna. Total eradication of an entire population of invasive NICS is a difficult task; several methods have been tested and are still being used, with varying success. Most methods reduce population size and ...