Mariel Molino as Cecilia “Lala” Dominguez and Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro GibbsGreg Gayne/CBS Whilereflecting on getting to leada franchise as successful asNCIS, Stowell expressed how thankful he was for the cast and crew on the show. “Sure, we make a TV show for the peopl...
【年轻时的Gibbs是什么样子】 CBS发布新剧《NCIS:起源》宣传视频,男主Austin Stowell首次妆造成年轻时的Gibbs,你觉得这版Gibbs符合你的期待吗? #美剧 #NCIS - 美剧头条菌于20240714发布在抖音,已经收获了17.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Mariel Molino as Cecilia “Lala” Dominguez and Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro GibbsGreg Gayne/CBS Whilereflecting on getting to leada franchise as successful asNCIS, Stowell expressed how thankful he was for the cast and crew on the show. “Sure, we make a TV show for the people out ther...