Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro GibbsArt Streiber/CBS NCIS: Originsfollows a young Gibbs in 1991, years prior to the events ofNCIS. Taking over the role originated byMark Harmon, Stowellhad his work cut out for him asNCIS: Originsthrust viewers into a period in Gibbs’ life short...
“At this point, we’re still just months after Gibbs lost his wife and child. Even if those emotions are creeping in, he probably is quieting them and feeling as if he shouldn’t have those feelings,” Stowell explained toUs. “If his wife and daughter were still alive, he would be ...
【年轻时的Gibbs是什么样子】 CBS发布新剧《NCIS:起源》宣传视频,男主Austin Stowell首次妆造成年轻时的Gibbs,你觉得这版Gibbs符合你的期待吗? #美剧 #NCIS - 美剧头条菌于20240714发布在抖音,已经收获了17.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro GibbsArt Streiber/CBS NCIS: Originsfollows a young Gibbs in 1991, years prior to the events ofNCIS. Taking over the role originated byMark Harmon, Stowellhad his work cut out for him asNCIS: Originsthrust viewers into a period in Gibbs’ life shortly after t...