from THU 12:00 AM CST until THU 10:00 AM CST, Austin County2024 Texas elections: Live resultsBy FOX 7 Austin Digital Team Updated May 5, 2024 4:49pm CDT Election FOX 7 AustinTEXAS - The general and special elections are here! Below are the results for Central Texas races as of...
Voting came in 44 percent for and at 55 percent against (yes, that’s 99—a few precincts had yet to report) Austin Proposition B, which would have required expansion of the convention center to be put to a public vote. That proposition was also petition-led Travis County Proposition A,...
1. The City of Austin should form a bipartisan Working Group with Travis County and State officials, to ensure that they are prepared to protect citizens to the greatest extent possible during a Texas power grid failure. 2. The State should consider releasing Rainy Day Funds and allocating them...
I have thoroughly enjoyed traveling around our beautiful state from the northwest corner, to the quiet corner down along the shoreline and into Fairfield county with points in between. We racked up 52,000 miles on the ...
If the results of all the election are not determined then even Nancy would not be re-elected as all representatives are on two year terms. The result of an entire election not able to be counted would be Trump has to step down on January 20 as well as the entire house of ...
Mr. Jollivette advised that this would be his last board meeting, that he has notified the Mayor of his resignation effective September 30th due to having retired in April, and he will be moving out of Duval County. He has very much enjoyed his time with the Aviation Authority and wishes...
Poll: What Do You Think? Do you know a single person that regrets not getting the shot? yes no They won't talk about it. View Results Your Privacy is Safe with Us Polls Archive Greg’s Favorite Sites & Articles View Greg's Favorites Archives Archives...
Steven: People like Heider Garcia, in Tarrant County (election administrator), they have received death threats, there’s been more public records requests, challenging elections results. First off, as the Secretary of State for the state of Texas, was there a secure and safe election in 202...