from THU 12:00 AM CST until THU 10:00 AM CST, Austin County2024 Texas elections: Live resultsBy FOX 7 Austin Digital Team Updated May 5, 2024 4:49pm CDT Election FOX 7 AustinTEXAS - The general and special elections are here! Below are the results for Central Texas races as of...
Austin, TX 78778-0001. Physical Address: 1215 Guadalupe St, Austin, TX 78701. Call: 512-463-2642 or 888-452-4778 (in Texas only) File through the website How to find us. One East Main Street Bellville, Texas 77485 ...
Steven: People like Heider Garcia, in Tarrant County (election administrator), they have received death threats, there’s been more public records requests, challenging elections results. First off, as the Secretary of State for the state of Texas, was there a secure and safe election in 202...
“This is the most expensive county in the state of Texas to get child care… and it’s prohibitive for a lot of people who have to make that decision. They can’t go to work because they can’t afford to pay that child care, so they just stay home.” ...
KXAN Voter Guide: What to know for the May 2024 primary runoff elections Unlike the March primaries, early voting this time only lasts for five days from Monday, May 20 through Friday, May 23. Election Day is Tuesday, May 28. Texas is anopen primary state, which means you don’t have...
As a measles outbreak in West Texas continues to raise concerns throughout the state, Austin ISD’s vaccination rate for incoming kindergarteners remains well below pre-pandemic levels. Public health experts say around 95 percent of the population needs to be vaccinated… ...
Democrats in Texas Legislature leave Austin to try to stop passage of GOP voting law, take off on plane for Washington. By Associated Press | July 12, 2021, at 4:32 p.m. Save More Democrats in Texas Legislature Leave Austin to Try to Stop Passage o...
What’s the Impact of Presidential Elections on the Housing Market? It’s no surprise that the upcoming Presidential election might have Read More » Now Listing Homes in Austin AND Central Texas MLS Systems Because the Laurie Flood Team has many home sellers in these areas and wants to ...
1. The City of Austin should form a bipartisan Working Group with Travis County and State officials, to ensure that they are prepared to protect citizens to the greatest extent possible during a Texas power grid failure. 2. The State should consider releasing Rainy Day Funds and allocating them...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — A University of Texas junior won Travis County’s first-ever “I Voted” sticker contest. The design, featuring the state flower bluebonnet, will be used in November’s election, according to a Travis County release. ...