Austin & Ally is a hit Disney Channel series that follows the partnership and unique relationship between a shy songwriter, Ally Dawson, and Austin Moon, an overnight internet sensation who gains sudden fame after stealing and performing one of Ally's songs. After Austin apologizes and pleads to...
Santas & Surprises- When Austin and Ally realize that their music student Lily is upset that her dad won't be home for Christmas, they set out to bring him home for the holiday and give Lily the perfect Christmas. Meanwhile, Trish, Dez and Herman work as Santa's elves at the mall but...
Together with the help of their respective best friends, aspiring film director Dez and the semi-employed Trish, they are determined to bring his performances and her songs to the top of the charts. 7.7/10 (213)Rate S1.E2 ∙ Kangaroos & ChaosSun, Dec 4, 2011 Ally scribbles down Austin...
Austin & Ally: Created by Kevin Kopelow, Heath Seifert. With Ross Lynch, Laura Marano, Raini Rodriguez, Calum Worthy. Following the lives of confident aspiring musician Austin, quiet talented songwriter Ally, and their two friends.
“Our style is very pop/rock,” Lynch continues, “but a little more guitar driven with some really great melodies. My brothers are great writers, so it’s getting pretty exciting to see it all come together.” Track list for “Austin & Ally” soundtrack (all songs performed by Ross Ly...
Unbeknownst to Ally, Austin and Dez "accidentally borrow" one of her songs, record it, create a video, and post it on the Internet; after which the song and Austin, become an overnight Internet sensation. When Trish convinces Ally to tell the world she wrote the song, Ally confronts Aust...
A comedy about the unique relationship between a young songwriter, Ally Dawson, and Austin Moon, the overnight internet sensation who gains sudden notoriety after performing one of Ally's songs. Austin and Ally struggle with how to maintain and capitalize on Austin's newfound fame. Austin is a...
"Cupids & Cuties" is the ninth episode in Season 3 of Austin & Ally and the 54th episode overall. It was the 7th episode filmed in season 3. The episode aired on March 9, 2014 to 2.2 million viewers.[2] Trish is nervous about an upcoming visit from a boy
看好了 Watchthis. 等一下我可以做到的等一下 Whoo,wait.Whoo,Icandothis.Holdon. 这是我第一天上班 It'smyfirstdayand... 可能也是最后一天了 Probablymylast. 艾丽你写完奥斯汀的新歌♥了吗 So,Ally,haveyoufinishedwritingAustin'snewsong? 快写好了我最近比较忙 It-it'salmostdone.I'vejustbeenreallybu...
Even when all week I said I was going to “chill” this weekend. Fortunately, my air bnb guest checked in, we caught up (she’s more like a friend now) and the bestie got back into town and we had a lot to catch up on. I worked out in the eve. Picked up a few things at ...