Comedy, Live Action, Musical Austin is an outgoing musician and performer and Ally is a smart but shy songwriter who is becoming a rising star. Together with Dez and Trish, they navigate the ups and downs of fame, friendship and love. The gang take part in a series of all-new adventures...
Happy September. It's hot, my baby is cute, and I like death metal. So here's a blog post about stuff you might NOT know. You might notice I've been releasing a lot of music. Maybe even too much. But it's perfect for me. I left my job a year ago and am staying home with...
Fingertips is not concerned with mass quantities of followers or viral sensations, and only sporadically tiptoes into the overheated world of social media. The focus here is on humans making quality music for other humans, not on trivial performative bullshit. You can email Fingertips with ...