Whether you’re dreaming of visiting Australia, have just arrived or have been in this gigantic island of paradise for a while, there are a few Australian slang words that you should learn to help you get through day to day life. Although Australia is an English speaking country, arriving i...
Rob Pensalfini thinks we should be looking to marginalised communities for our new slang. http://theconversation.com/aussie-slang-is-as-diverse-as-australia-itself-27973 Many Australian slang words are actually British or Irish. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_English_vocabulary#Words_of...
In Australia By Aussies. Understanding What eDinkum Means Lets Look At The Aussie Slang Word Fair Dinkum, The Word Fair Dinkum We Can't Exactly Say How Fair Dnkum Became an Aussie Slang Word But We Can Find Out About the Word Fair Dinkum By Reading Below Now To Be Fair Dinkum What Do...