We're about to delve into the fascinating world of Aussie slang, unpacking the words and phrases that make Australia's language so distinctive. Beyond "G'day" and "No worries": Cracking the Code of Aussie Slang You might think you know Aussie slang – "G'day," "No ...
What’s good y’all.Today I am sharing with you Australian slang words or simply Aussie slang terms and sayings. I’ve been in Australia for nearly a year now and one of my favorite things about it is the language. Here I love how Australians talk, I love their slang, I love how t...
Whether you’re dreaming of visiting Australia, have just arrived or have been in this gigantic island of paradise for a while, there are a few Australian slang words that you should learn to help you get through day to day life. Although Australia is an English speaking country, arriving i...
Aussie Word of the Day gives you over 2,600 true blue fair dinkum Aussie slang words and phrases, their meanings and examples of their use. That's something new every day for more than seven years! Search for a word, or get new words and phrases at the click of a button. Created ...
Australian English is justifiably famous for its colorful and seemingly endless collection of slang and sayings. This awesome app gives you hundreds of cool Australian Slang words & phrases. Be sure to use these sayings in your Aussie travels. ...
Just like Australian always call themselves OZ, Australian slang is certainly interesting, whether you have just arrived or have been in this gigantic island of paradise for a while. There are many Australian slang words that you should learn to help you get through day to day life. ...
Selfie, arvo, brekky -- use these words and people will like you more. It's a fact. Well, according to a study by the Australian National University Research School of Psychology's Dr Evan Kidd, who claims to have established a link between the use of Aussie slang words and likeability...
we’re havin’ a yarn”. You have come to the right place.If you listen to this podcast you will learn: •A ton of Aussie slang and vocabulary,•Heaps of terms and expressions, •And a bunch about Australian history and culture.So kick back, grab a cuppa and enjoy Aussie English...
It's the perfect way to brush up on your slang before a trip Down Under, but there are some useful words and phrases delightful enough to spice up any conversation, any time. Commence confusing the hell out of people, just for fun! Food and drink Battered sav - A battered and fried...
We began the next part of the workshop… The wonderful world of Aussie Slang! The students dived into the unique and colourful words and terms that add character to conversationsDown Under. The studentshad a go’at guessing and learning some new Aussie words and phrases. They had to decide...