c++、webrtc、rtp 我用C++编写了两个使用WebRTC的命令行应用程序: 基本实现工作:交换SDP报价和-Answer,使用ICE查找外部I,创建带有相应约束的PeerConnection和PeerConnectionFactory等。我在服务器端添加了一个钩子到RtpReceiverImpl::IncomingRtpPacket,将接收的有效负载写入文件。该文件包含有效的P 浏览0提问于2019-04-16...
I checked the sample rate from SDP is correct But it changed back to default in the middle This is why it is not working in such a way... !__PLACEHOLDER_1_linkformedURLException 我是解码音频播放 发现采样率不对 我看了从sdp中解析的是正确的 在中途又变回默认的了 这样改是不是就可以了 ...
stream);constlocalSdp =awaitpeerConnection.createOffer({offerToReceiveAudio:1});awaitpeerConnection.setLocalDescription(reply);constresponse =awaitsendOffer(peerConnection.localDescription);constdescription =newRTCSessionDescription(response);
{ type: 'candidate', label: e.candidate.sdpMLineIndex, id: e.candidate.sdpMid, candidate: e.candidate.candidate, }; ipcRenderer.send(IPCEvents.WEBRTC_SEND_MESSAGE, ipcData); } else { this.logger.info('this is the end candidate'); } }; } else { this.logger.info('the pc have be...
Actual bandwidth applied to the given send side stream given various policy settings (TURN, API, SDP, Policy Server, and so on). This is not to be confused with the effective bandwidth because there can be a lower effective bandwidth based on the bandwidth estimate. This is basically the ma...
WebRTC协议没有规定与服务器的通信方式,因此可以采用各种方式,比如WebSocket。通过服务器,两个客户端按照Session Deion Protocol(SDP协议)交换双方的元数据。 3.RTCDataChannel RTCDataChannel的作用是在点对点之间,传播任意数据。它的API与WebSockets的API相同。
So, it will be necessary to increase RTP inactivity timer value on the SIP device, or set hasAudio and hasVideo to "false" to send in SDP "recvonly" (receive only). Then the SIP party will know that we are going only to receive video and the timeout should be ignored. ...
type = RTCSdpType.Answer; desc.sdp = answer; var op = pc.SetRemoteDescription(ref desc); yield return op; if (op.IsError) { Debug.LogError("SetRemoteDescription() failed"); yield break; } yield break; } void OnDestroy() { pc?.Close(); pc?.Dispose(); videoStream?.Dispose(); ...
The problem has already been described in detail and discussed in the google group forum: https://groups.google.com/g/meetecho-janus/c/AIaNeGUSY2Y atoppi added bug WIP labels Dec 2, 2020 atoppi added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 10, 2020 Skip SDP munging in janus.js if...