A '55' badge does not appear anyplace on the car, but you get more power, better handling, more range, and it costs the same—so you've got to be aware!
台灣消費者對電動車接受度日益升高,Audi e-tron | e-tron Sportback 50車型於預售期間即獲得消費者熱烈迴響,首波配額搶先完售,為感謝消費者支持,台灣奧迪於上市期間針對Audi e-tron 推出全新車型e-tron 55 quattro advanced ,提供消費者更豐富的車型選擇。另於上市期間針對Audi e-tron 50 quattro S line、e-tro...
全新Audi Q8 e-tron、Q8 Sportback e-tron正式上市,双车款提供50 quattro 、55 quattro动力规格,建议售价318.5万元起;车系性能旗舰之作Audi SQ8 e-tron、SQ8 Sportback e-tron,建议售价426.5万元起。全新Audi SQ8 e-tron、SQ8 Sportback e-tron即日起同步上市,双车型于外观造型车高均降低2mm毫米,车宽...
自此,奥迪的新能源车型就分为一汽奥迪和上汽奥迪两种路线,一汽奥迪的新能源后续会迎来基于 PPE 豪华纯电动平台打造的产品,比如 Q6L e-tron。上汽奥迪的合作,则更具本土化思维一些,是面向中国市场的需求去打造产品,因而,外界认为,奥迪与上汽联合开发的智能数字平台(Advanced Digitized Platform)其实主要是上汽的...
▫️Q4 Sportback e-tron 45 advanced 進化版|220萬 ▫️Q4 Sportback e-tron 45 S line ...
提起合资车型,不管是日系还是德系的豪华品牌,在新能源领域中,都是没有太多能拿得出手的车型;而就在11月7日,奥迪上汽项目全新品牌——AUDI正式发布,与奥迪不同的是,AUDI采用的是与上汽联合开发的智能数字平台(Advanced Digitized Platform)打造的车型。其实不难发现,在今年的5月份改则信息就已经公布了,只...
全新Audi Q8 e-tron、Q8 Sportback e-tron正式上市,双车款提供50 quattro 、55 quattro动力规格,建议售价318.5万元起;车系性能旗舰之作Audi SQ8 e-tron、SQ8 Sportback e-tron,建议售价426.5万元起。 全新Audi SQ8 e-tron、SQ8 Sportback e-tron即日起同步上市,双车型于外观造型车高均降低2mm毫米,车宽则增加...
Explore Audi's full line of luxury SUV models and specs including horsepower, range, cargo space and towing capacity. Discover the best Q model for you.
For example, customers who purchase an RS e-tron GT performance3 can select a white power display and speedometer via the MMI – a tribute to the 1994 Audi RS 2 Avant, where the analog dials initially came in white. As an optional additional upgrade, a technically advanced panoramic...
The 2025 Q4 e-tron comes to the table with attractive looks, plenty of tech, and a driving personality that's poised but far from fun.