The resulting proposed Au Sn phase diagram contains six intermetallic compounds and seven invariant reactions.Within the gold-rich region of the diagram there are four invariant reactions that occur: peritectics at 532 and 521 °C, a eutectic at 280 °C and a peritectoid at 190 °C, below ...
《Calphad-computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams & Thermochemistry》Mazzone, D., Marazza, R., Riani, P., Zanicchi, G., Cacciamani, G., Fornasini, M.L., and Manfrinetti, P., The Isothermal Section at 600°C of the Ternary Pr-Au-Sn Phase Diagram, CALPHAD: Comput. Coupling Phase ...
the cohesive energy and the Gibbs free energy of Pt–Au–Sn system were reviewed, at the same time, the further research interests and the experimental verification of phase diagram of Pt–Au–Sn system were also discussed, which could provide necessary theoretical support for the alloy compositio...
图1-1 Au-Sn合金二元相图Fig.1-1 Binary phase diagram of Au-Sn alloy1.3.3 AuSn焊片的应用由于金锡共晶焊料的熔点(280)比96.5Sn3.5Ag锡银共晶焊料(221)要高很多,因此它不能和广泛应用于电子封装的有机材料在同一温度下配合使用。然而,金锡钎焊料对于一些同时要求机械性能及导热性能好以获得高可靠性的应用来...
Phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the Ni-Ga system are assessed based on the CALPHAD approach, using all available experimental data and applying appropriate thermodynamic models. The liquid phase and the Ni-based solid solution (Ni) are treated as disordered solutions. The thermodynamic ...
【关键词】 Au-Pt-Sn体系;相图;热力学参数;钎焊材料;催化材料中图分类号: TG113.14 文献标识码:A DOI:10.14136/j.cnki.issn1673-2812.2016.04.030ResearchProgressofPhaseDiagramandThermodynamicParameterofAu-Pt-SnSystemHUJie-qiong,XIEMing,ZHANGJi-ming,YANGYou-cai,LIUMan-men,WANGSong,WANGSai-bei,LIAi-kun...
无氰共沉积Au.Sn电镀液稳定性研究 图1.2Au—Sn二元合金相图 Fig.1.2Au-SnbinaryphasediagramAu.30at.%Sn共晶合金钎料具有以下优异的性能: (1) 高强度 Au.30at.%Sn是共晶成分,有着共晶合金的普遍特征一一细小均匀的微观组织,因 此有着很高的强度。Au.30at.%Sn焊接接头的剪切强度为47.5MPa,比过去常用的 Sn37...
Since the Au–Sn phase diagram does not contain room-temperature phases between the ζ' phase (Au5Sn) and the Au phase, the bond is expected to be stable over time. 展开 关键词: Sn Fluxless bonding 3D integration High-temperature applications Electroplating Au ...
图1-1 Au-Sn合金二元相图 Fig.1-1 Binary phase diagram of Au-Sn alloy 1.3.3 AuSn焊片的应用由于金锡共晶焊料的熔点(280℃)比96.5%Sn3.5%Ag锡银共晶焊料(221℃)要高很多,因此它不能和广泛应用于电子封装的有机材料在同一温度下配合使用。然而,金锡钎焊料对于一些同时要求机械性能及导热性能好以获得高可靠...
phase diagramCALPHAD methodAu-Sb systemAu-Sb-Sn systemTo design and develop high-temperature solder alloys, the thermodynamic calculations of phase equilibria have been performed on the binary Au-Sb and ternary Au-Sb-Sn systems over the entire composition range. The Gibbs free energy of individual...