(1975): Isotopic composition of sulfur in Radka, Chelopech, Medet and Vlaykov Vruh depo- sits (in Bulgarian), Rudodobiv 8, 4–7. Antonov, M. and Jelev, V. (2001): Transpression and ob- lique fold-and-thrust structures in the Chelopech ore field (Bulgaria). Annual Univ. Mining ...
We are all very excited to take a school trip to Rudo ng.=We are all very excited at the tripto Rudo ng.26. interest名词,令人感兴趣的事或人;兴趣,爱好。 a place of interest 表示名胜,景点”。Both swimmi ng and stamp collecti ng are his in terests.游泳与集邮都是他的爱好。Last mon...
mo1asop'OBuo1'asof'F'09auosuorudo'F’69qisuodsas ·O ovaqow 'Auadauuasn 'Oawn'auud'F89aybnos'O ybnosq' pasvaf 'V'L9aaous'O ybnoy1D'a ssalun 'F'99a1'Oawo'anb'F'99aawddv∃uuif(θ,-Oybnap'F't9spauadpaquosap 'Opauon 'AaJomssans'O aunsvald' alqnos4'F'9apabvu...
Mona Rudo Resistance Monument 2.4 km Mona Rudao Memorial Stele 2.4 km Distances shown are straight-line distances on the map. Actual travel distances may vary. Children and extra beds Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose. Please check the individual room capacity for more details. ...