🛋️2️⃣ Parsons咖啡桌:经典与优雅的完美结合,黄铜细节的精致凸显,线条简洁,色彩纯净,无声中流露出奢华。🛋️3️⃣ Triptych系列:一代和二代的餐桌设计,底座样式略有不同,但都以青铜图案铸成如画般的底座,细节之美令人陶醉。🍽️4️⃣ Ria & Yiouri Augousti夫妇:神级设计师的组合,他们...
R&Y Augousti 是一个由 Ria & Yiouri Augousti 夫妇于1989年创立的设计品牌。这对特立独行的艺术家以其对20世纪30年代装饰艺术时期材质与图案的恢复使用而闻名,他们的设计融合了古典艺术与现代设计,赢得了全球的赞誉。他们对材质的精湛掌控,如珠光鲨皮、贝壳、羊皮纸、半宝石、蛇皮、金属等,使他们的作品在设计界...
Inspired by the contours of island beaches, the Shoreline side table by R&Y Augousti is inlaid with seashell, in black and bronze tones that form a playful linear pattern. It measures 16.5" dia. x 20" h. and costs $3,000. Shoreline side table, $3,000, 646-293-6679; augousti.com ...
The overall piece is inlaid in cream parchment accentuated with intricate bronze-patina brass details that have the signature Augousti "melting" effect. The interior of the piece is in wood veneer and opens with various compartments & drawers like a "cabinet of curiosities...
The article reports on the expansion of Paris, France-based home furnishing firm R&Y Augousti Inc. It highlights the efforts of couples Ria and Yiouri Augousti in developing and entering the production of handbags inside their firm. Moreover, it notes the fascination and attention given by ...
😍😍😍R&Y Augousti的Wave梳妆台是一件独一无二的奢华单品。整件家具镶嵌了奶油色的鲨鱼革,外部手工雕刻有标志性的Augousti“菱形”图案的更新版本。门把手和门腿采用古铜色黄铜制成。🌟🌟🌈🌈自1990年代以来,备受赞誉的设计二人组Ria和Yiouri Augousti凭借其奢华的装饰艺术风格系列,确立了现代复古风格...
R&Y Augousti 是一个源自法国的家具品牌,由夫妻档 Ria 和 Yiouri Augousti 于 1989 年创立。他们的艺术背景使他们成为该领域的创新者,通过复兴 1930 年代装饰艺术时期的工艺技术,如鲨鱼皮、黄铜、贝壳、羊皮纸和宝石等材料,创造出奢华而优雅的家具和家居饰品。 R&Y Augousti 的设计融合了复古与现代审美,其家具和...
Eleni Augousti conocida por su papel en Bookless (2015). Agregar fotos, reels de demostraciónAgregar a la lista Más en IMDbPro Información de contacto Información del agente Conocido/a por Bookless 7.5 Cortometraje Reparto 2015 Créditos Editar IMDbPro Reparto Anterior 1 Bookless 7.5Cortometraje...
高级感的梳妆台 隐藏式梳妆台 设计理念:Augousti 女神梳妆台,鲨鱼皮的外观,天鹅绒的化妆凳,把梳妆台和妆凳隐藏在衣柜里,打破传统观念梳妆台的独特设计,防尘、神秘又高级,通过下半部分的折叠功能,完美的把化妆台和穿衣镜,合二为一,融为 - 佛山市乾才家具厂于20250
Acclaimed design duo Ria & Yiouri Augousti have established themselves since the 1990’s as pioneers of modern-vintage style through their luxurious art-deco inspired collections. The Paris based label has distinguished themselves since their launch, with their iconi...