Absence seizures may have various clinical pictures. Early recognition and treatment may prevent avoidable complications and sequelae. Otherwise the prognostic outcome is poor. In addition to clinical observation, EEG is the most helpful diagnostic means. This shows characteristic changes especially under ...
3) Absence seizure 失神发作 1. EEG alterations and conscious state of epileptic rats during absence seizure induced by pentylenetetrazol; 戊四氮癫痫模型失神发作期脑电图及意识状态的实验研究 2. Methods The VEEG database were searched by using "absence seizures" and "3 Hz genera-lized spike and sl...
Video-EEG is essential for their diagnosis. Recently, atypical absence seizures have been reported as a hallmark of some developmental and epileptic encephalopathies : This is a narrative review of the literature which describes the electroclinical features of atypical seizures, the characteristics of ...
Summary: Purpose: Typical absence seizures differ from atypical absence seizures in terms of semiology, EEG morphology, network circuitry, and cognitive outcome, yet have the same pharmacological profile. We have compared typical to atypical absence seizures, in terms of the recruitment of different br...
This condition is characterized by partial seizures, myoclonic, atonic or atypical absences, in addition to EEG focal rolandic discharge. Methods. We report the clinical course and follow-up of 12 children with ABPE. Results. Onset of crisis consisted of partial seizures; in some cases myoclonic...
No significant differences were found between histopathologic groups for age at testing, gender, duration of seizures, age at seizure onset, or side of lesion. The dual pathology group differed significantly from the group with FCD for handedness: seven of 29 patients with dual pathology were ...
for Rolandic Epilepsy: normal pregnancy and delivery, normal initial psychomotor development, absence of neuroimaging findings, onset between the age of 2 and 12 years, simple sensorimotor seizures with or without generalisation, centro-temporal interictal EEG spike and w...
Introduction: Atypical absences are generalized epileptic seizures typically affecting children with severe epilepsies and learning difficulties along with other seizure types. Video-EEG is essential for their diagnosis. Recently, atypical absence seizures have been reported as a hallmark of some ...
Summary: Purpose: Typical absence seizures differ from atypical absence seizures in terms of semiology, EEG morphology, network circuitry, and cognitive outcome, yet have the same pharmacological profile. We have compared typical to atypical absence seizures, in terms of the recruitment of different ...
doi:10.1016/0013-4694(93)91399-LELSEVIERElectroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology