These results provide valuable information that can potentially aid in differentiating epileptiform patterns in typical absence seizures. The implications of our findings are promising for precision medicine approaches to epilepsy diagnoses and patient management. In conclusion, our quantitativ...
In this study juvenile myoclonic epilepsy patients were evaluated retrospectively in terms of their clinical and EEG findings. Sixtyone patients (38 females, 23 males) were evaluated. All patients had myoclonic jerks, 54 patients had generalized tonic-clonic seizures and 20 patients had absences. ...
fMRI changes were seen in cortical and subcortical structures typically involved in SWDs, whereas minimal changes were observed for the few epochs during which performance was spared.Discussion: These findings suggest that typical absence seizures involve a network of cortical–subcortical areas necessary ...
FocalEEGFindings JuvenileAbsenceEpilepsy JuvenileAbsenceSyndrome ABSTRACT ThepresenceoffocalEEGabnormalitiesinjuvenileabsence syndrome(JAS)maycauseittobemisdiagnosedasfocalepilepsy. ThepurposeofourstudywastodeterminethepresenceoffocalEEG abnormalitiesinpatientswithJASandtoascertainwhethersome ...
Specifically, among males, ASD was not associated with a statistically significant difference in power compared to NT, whereas among females, ASD was associated with 28% lower power compared to NT (p = .015). These latter findings should be interpreted particularly cautiously given the overall ...
12. An increasing number of findings support this perspective: topological properties of epileptogenic brain networks have been found to deviate from those seen in healthy controls13,14, and abnormal patterns of functional connectivity emerge15,16,17(although the results of different imaging modalities ...
However, this practice presents a major challenge because SPECT studies are often reserved for patients with nonlocalizing EEG or magnetic resonance imaging findings. Nonetheless, SPECT studies in evaluation for epilepsy surgery should always be performed with the knowledge of the patient's EEG activity...
These findings suggest that even in regions with intense neuronal activity during epileptic seizures, oxygen delivery exceeds metabolic needs, enabling fMRI to be used for investigation of dynamic cortical and subcortical network involvement in this disorder.Hrachya Nersesyan...
: Using Permutation Entropy to Measure the Changes in EEG Signals During Absence Seizures. Entropy. 2014; 16 ( 6 ):3049–61. 10.3390/e16063049 [ Cross Ref ]Jing, L., Jiaqing, Y., Xianzeng, L., and Gaoxiang, O., 'Using Permutation Entropy to Measure the Changes in EEG Signals ...
Relationship between mesial temporal atrophy and ictal and interictal EEG findings in a series of 250 patients We studied 74 consecutive patients with temporal lobe epilepsy who were treated surgically and in whom the volumes of mesial temporal structures were determined preoperatively by magnetic resona...