Building your character to excel at what you choose is an important aspect of Conan Exiles. Over time, we have noticed that certain attributes and perks are used a lot less than others by players. This is something we have wanted to improve for a while, and Age of Sorcery has been the ...
致流放者: 《Conan Exiles》的一個重要方面是讓你將你的人物發展為精於你所選擇的範疇。隨著時間的推移,我們注意到玩家使用某些屬性和益處的頻率比其他屬性和益處高很多。這是我們一直以來想要改進的地方,而《Age of Sorcery》提供了絕佳的改進機會。 對於《Age of Sorcery》,我們在革新系統方面有三個目標:一,大...