即时起,《Conan Exiles》在Steam、Xbox和Epic Games Store上均限时免费试玩!在这期间和之后,我们都会带来全平台的大幅折扣:包括游戏本体、《Isle of Siptah》扩展和所有DLC! 无需多说,如果你有朋友想和你一起体验精彩的柯南游戏时间,是时候拉他们一起了! 请注意,我们会始终附上完整的补丁说明,但没有翻译版本。
While you have a baby animal in your pen, the type of food you offer it will influence your chances to have your baby grow into a greater pet version: A rarer, more powerful and special looking variation. The new pet system will also introduce the mechanic of thrall feeding. Special Feed...
Official Site:Conan Exiles Studio:Funcom Launch Date:Anticipated 2016 Genre:Multiplayer Survival Business Model:N/A Platform:PC and console
This past week we’ve been working hard on finishing up the first Pet build, which we plan to release on the Testlive Steam branch before the weekend. We also released a patch with somehigh priority fixesfor the PC version last Thursday and we will continue to hotfix and update the game...
All Battle Pass and Bazaar pets now have proper attributes and leveling gains Light from Radium Gem Golem Head has been tweaked PURGE AND ENCOUNTERS FIXESFixed the damage output of Blood Moon Beast boss from The Fractured Citadel Kurak’s gas is no longer considered a poison, and thus havin...
Pet/Thrall Leveling We’re also adding a leveling system for Pets and Thralls that can follow you. Leveling a Follower grants them increased stats and special bonus Perks. When placing a Follower, they start at level 0 with a base set of Attributes. Faction and Tier determines growth rate ...
Additionally, the Chapter 3 Battle Pass and Bazaar Items will add Blood Crystal Weapons, new looks for Golems, the Turanian Mercenary Camel Pet, and much more. A New Age It’s too early to talk about any specifics, but a new Age will come to Conan Exiles, and we can’t wait to tal...