Richard S. MannG3: Genes, Genomes, GeneticsVoutev, R., and R. S. Mann, 2018 Robust PhiC31-Mediated Genome Engineering in Drosophila melanogaster Using Minimal attP/attB Phage Sites. G3 (Bethesda) 8: 1399-1402.
功能位点attP和attB的定位 周秀芬邓子新 -———一~ TobiasKieser:Da~.dAHopvaxKI}<,已,,I,/ {4?3, 摘要HAU3是寄主范围很广的放线菌噬菌体So~hern杂交实验表 明.HAU3可整合 到吸水链霉菌应城变种lO一22和变铅青链霉菌66的突变体ZXI 的染色体巾,形成溶朦.茸群茼 自发释放妒HAU3.不受热激和紫外线照...
A phage genome has been isolated which contains both attB and attP, the bacterial and phage sites which are recombined in the process of formation of stable lysogens. The derivative was created by an illegitimate recombination during mixed vegetative growth of two phage strains which contained attB...
Homologous recombination occurs between the phage attP core and the attB site located in the T-loop. Integration-proficient vectors derived from Ms6 are useful genetic tools, but their insertion sites in the BCG chromosome remain poorly defined. The primary objective of this study was to identify ...
Phage PhiC31 integrase integrates attB-containing plasmid into pseudo attP site in eukaryotic genomes in a unidirectional site-specific manner and maintains robust transgene expression. Few studies, however, explore its potential in livestock. This study
The process is carried out by separating out tow pseudo attp sites from bovine gene, having 38% and 41% homology with attp site of streptomycete phagicin phiC31 genome, discriminating by streptomycete phagicin phiC31 integrase and integrating foreign gene containing attB site with the site...
tuberculosis genome [12] for sequences similar to the Ms6 attP core region [13] revealed three possible attB sites at the 3' ends of three tRNAala genes, named after their anti codon: GGC for tRNAalaU, CGC for tRNAalaV, and TGC for tRNAalaT. In tRNAalaV, the attB core sequence ...
A phage genome has been isolated which contains both attB and attP, the bacterial and phage sites which are recombined in the process of formation of stable lysogens. The derivative was created by an illegitimate recombination during mixed vegetative growth of two phage strains which contained attB...
The invention discloses a carrier carrying an attB for efficient orientated integration of pseudo attP sites in a genome and a transgene method thereof. A carrier carrying an exogenous functional gene is inserted with a plurality of mutually isolated attB sequences, then, together with a carrier ...
Amplification of the attB and attP sequences generated after the three types of excision from PAISt.Jose, C. HuguetTapiaDawn, R. D. BignellRosemary, Loria