She worked as a typist in a law firm. 她在一家律师事务所当打字员。 The attorney craved the court's indulgence. 律师切盼法庭的宽大处理。 权威例句 Attorney at law Attorney at law Attorney at Law Control of entry of legal service market and the scope of legal service exclusively served by ...
这是指专门处理诉讼案件,即法庭争议的律师。这个术语更偏向于描述律师的工作性质,而不是职称。Attorney a lawyer, especially one who can act for sb in court 律师(尤指代表当事人出庭者)在美国,律师通常被称为“attorney”,完整称谓是“attorney-at-law”。他们可以提供法律咨询,也能代表客户在所有法庭出...
Attorney at Law, the Second Law Office of Xishui County, Hubei Province, 1988-1990.───1988—1990年,任湖北省浠水县第二律师事务所律师。 WENFEI ATTORNEY AT LAW LTD BEIJING REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE, SWITZERLAND───瑞士文斐律师事务所北京代表处 英语使用场景 Legal opinion of an attorney at law ....
沪江词库精选attorney at law是什么意思、英语单词推荐 名词律师 相似短语 attorney at lawn.律师 defense attorneyphr. 被告辨护人,被告律师,辩护律师 right to an attorneyphr. 获得律师辩护权 corporation attorney【经】 公司法律顾问 district attorney公诉人,检查官 ...
词组短语 1、attorneygeneral首席检察官, (美国)司法部长 2、a power ofattorneyn. 委託书,代理权 3、appearance byattorney[法] 由诉讼代理人出庭, 由律师出庭 4、attorneyat law 律师 5、Attorney General of the United States [网络] 美国司法部长;司法部部长;国检察总长 ...
attorney-at-law - Legal definition of attorney-at-law at Lawyerment free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms, and translation.
attorney-at-law是什么意思、attorney-at-law怎么读 读音:美[əˈtɜːni æt lɔː]英[əˈtɜːrni æt lɔː] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 attorney-at-law中文翻译 律师 词组短语 at law详细 2.Genis Lin Attorney at Law林谨如律师事务所 ...
attorney at law n. 律师【经】 律师 attorney n. 1.【美】律师 2.(根据委任状的)法定代理人 Attorney 律师 Attorney General (英国)检察总长,(美国)司法部长 LAW =Light Antitank Weapon 轻型反坦克武器 attorney in fact n. 代理人【经】 代理人 attorney general 检察总长 law n. 1.[U]法...
Definition of attorney-at-law in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is attorney-at-law? Meaning of attorney-at-law as a legal term. What does attorney-at-law mean in law?
The word “attorney” is an abbreviation for attorney-at-law. This term was first coined in the 1700s. An attorney will focus their practice in the courtroom. They're automatically lawyers at the same time because they need to go through the same process to qualify. The difference is that...