Tried using the new debugger copied the code, and seems that require('emmy_core') results in true and not an object. package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';C:/Users/emelrad12/AppData/Roaming/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2020.3/plugins/intellij-emmy...
在调试cocos2d-x lua过程中遇到[string "app/views/MainScene.lua"]:161: attempt to index local 'HttpRequest' (a boolean value),解决方法为: 将HttpRequest.lua中的顶部的代码 local HttpRequest = class("HttpRequest") 改为 local HttpRequest = class("HttpRequest",cc.load("mvc").ViewBase) 或者在...
@& loads of similar, every game, with latest ba-test on -557 would offer to look at it, since i wrote the thing, but am away from home for a while, so can't