关于xlua 中调取unity Button 组件中的interactable 会报错 - attempt to call a boolean value (field 'interactable'),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
I can't seem to get rid of this error (' ?:0: attempt to call upvalue '?' (a nil value) '). What is "?:0:" ? Thanks in advance for any help! script: local LrApplication = import 'LrApplication'local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'local LrFileUtils = import 'LrFile...
() failed _X 分享6赞 lua吧 limgjy 错误:attempt to call a nil value (global 'setfenv')源文件的代码如下: a=1 setfenv(1,{_G=_G}) _G.print(_G.a) print(a) 请问下这个错误是什么原因 分享1赞 死或生沙滩排球维纳...吧 耍帅de大象 开游戏弹出Attempt to launch the game has failed帮我...
table.insert(__text_gen, tostring(GetCasterStatement(valueType, 3, "gen_to_be_invoked[key]"))) table.insert(__text_gen, ";") end table.insert(__text_gen, "\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLuaAPI.lua_pushboolean(L, true);\r\n\t\t\t\t\treturn 1;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t\t") ...
Haven't been able to reproduce so some steps seem to be missing. Presumably flush = false will avoid the error again but in that case nvim__redraw shouldn't call ui_flush() either. But I suppose this boolean index can also be resolved while keeping the flush, I'm still not sure wha...
(a boolean value) [string "@Gargul/Classes/BoostedRolls.lua"]:1065: in function `importBroadcast' [string "@Gargul/Classes/BoostedRolls.lua"]:1089: in function `receiveUpdate' [string "@Gargul/Classes/Comm.lua"]:115: in function <Gargul/Classes/Comm.lua:114> [string "=(tail call)"...
attempt to invoke virtual method boolean java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue() on a null object reference,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Specifies whether deployment has started or not. TypeScript Kopie hasStarted: boolean Property Value boolean id ID of deployment. TypeScript Kopie id: number Property Value number issues All the issues related to the deployment. TypeScript Kopie issues: Issue[] Property Value Issue[] ...
Set this property to kCFBooleanTrue to enable passive mode; set this property to kCFBooleanFalse to disable passive mode.Deprecated let kCFStreamPropertyFTPUserName: CFString FTP User Name stream property key for set and copy operations. A value of type CFString for storing the login user name....
Cocos2d: Lua调用cpp函数时传来的两个参数: 999 I' m a lua string 从cpp函数中获得两个返回值: 321 Himi 在Himi做这些交互时出现了如下错误: 1 “ PANIC : unprotected error in call to Lua API ( attempt to index a nil value ) 如下图: 最后Himi发现造成此问题的原因有两种情况: 1. 是你...