() failed _X 分享6赞 lua吧 limgjy 错误:attempt to call a nil value (global 'setfenv')源文件的代码如下: a=1 setfenv(1,{_G=_G}) _G.print(_G.a) print(a) 请问下这个错误是什么原因 分享1赞 死或生沙滩排球维纳...吧 耍帅de大象 开游戏弹出Attempt to launch the game has failed帮我...
callback = function() if #vim.api.nvim_list_wins() == 1 and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0):match("OUTLINE") ~= nil then vim.cmd("quit") @@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ local other_plugins = { -- = 展示 diff -- cc commit 信息 -- <enter> 打开文件 map('n', '<leader>g', '...
this line "ngx.log(ngx.ERR,filename) " logs a nil ; Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub.Already have an account?Sign in to comment
I would go so far as to call it a deliberate Cloward-Piven-Alinsky “project” to take down America. Unlike mainstream media, I do not hesitate calling out so-called “intellectuals” Cloward, Piven and Alinsky as psychopaths as well as Jews, which is not coincidental. For those of you...
n = number of periods For ourfixed instrumentexample, we can use the above formula to compute thepresent valuefor the cash flows that we will receive in year 1 and year 2 with adiscount rateat 5%: Discounted Cash Flow analysis If we are trying to do valuation for a public company, we...
Bug Report Describe the bug Following up from #5680, while testing with a custom debug build using gitfool/fluent-bit@8a95ca0 which seems to have fixed the crash with es output (so far), I found another issue after I enabled AppVerifier ...
add_to_doc(doc, options, :order_id, :description, :ip, :email, :merchant_name_descriptor, :merchant_location_descriptor, :redirect_url, :callback_url, :continue_caching) :continue_caching, :attempt_3dsecure, :browser_info) end def add_gateway_specific_fields(doc, options) 7 changes: 2 ...
What I keep asking myself whenever learning and reading about Swift is: how likely is this to change soon? This document is an attempt to gather the Swift features that are still in flux and likely to change. Contributing To contribute: fork this project, add a section below (don't ...