() failed _X 分享6赞 lua吧 limgjy 错误:attempt to call a nil value (global 'setfenv')源文件的代码如下: a=1 setfenv(1,{_G=_G}) _G.print(_G.a) print(a) 请问下这个错误是什么原因 分享1赞 死或生沙滩排球维纳...吧 耍帅de大象 开游戏弹出Attempt to launch the game has failed帮我...
callback = function() if #vim.api.nvim_list_wins() == 1 and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0):match("OUTLINE") ~= nil then vim.cmd("quit") @@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ local other_plugins = { -- = 展示 diff -- cc commit 信息 -- <enter> 打开文件 map('n', '<leader>g', '...
Re: attempt to index upvalue '_ENV' (a nil value) Quote Postbycpeosphoros»Sun Dec 25, 2016 1:30 am After digging around, I found the answer within Factorissimo's connections.lua documentation. Due to some lua interpreter lifecycle issue, you can't make interface remote calls during on...
Hi, I am trying to make an upgrade system, I put the player’s upgrades into a table and when I go to upgrade the item I get the error, [attempt to index field ‘?’ (a nil value), anybody know what the problem is? The upg…
Current Behavior using jmeter to test my route ,and has found some error ,the error message please see the pic . apisix单机,etcd单机。jmeter压测时 50 thread 1 period 5 loop 执行同一个接口,报错。 maybe change value for "local applications" is not work.
In service to Satan it was the Jewish international bankers who Devastated Russia and China with communism. Lenin's prophecy was to make Europe and all the World Communist. It's happening recognize it for what it is. It's Communism.
Say for example, we have afixed income instrument, which produces a series of cash flows of$100for year 1 and year 2 and matures at year 2 with a face value of$1000. How much dollars do we want to pay today to purchase thefixed income instrument. Well, it depends on thediscount rat...
[error] 31449#0: *12 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: /usr/local/openresty/nginx/uploadtest.lua:13: attempt to index local 'form' (a nil value) stack traceback: coroutine 0: /usr/local/openresty/nginx/uploadtest.lua: in function </usr/local/openresty/nginx/uploadtest.lua:1>,...
The subsequent call (ipc.link(ifname).type ~= 1) then succeeded. So for whatever reason on this device, very intermittently (like once a day) that call will fail and return nil, which network.lua then attempts to index with the .type call and it fails. ...
Bug Report Describe the bug Following up from #5680, while testing with a custom debug build using gitfool/fluent-bit@8a95ca0 which seems to have fixed the crash with es output (so far), I found another issue after I enabled AppVerifier ...