“the company must provide traditional landline telephone service to any potential customer in that service territory. at&t is proposing to withdraw as the colr in your area without a new carrier being designated as a colr.” “if at&t's proposal were accepted as set forth in its application,...
Image Credit:bymuratdeniz/iStock/Getty Images AT&T is the largest provider of local and long distance home telephone service in the United States. When you receive a voice mail message from someone on your AT&T landline, you need to retrieve that message. Doing so is simply a case of press...
Landline:1-800-331-0500 Services DIAL: Send(*646#) DIAL: Send(*729)DIAL: CheckusageorbalanceviaaFREEtextmessage. DIAL:Send(*3282#) CheckdatausageviaaFREEtextmessage. SetUpMailbox/CheckMessages PRESSandHOLDtodialyourvoicemailandfollow theprompts. ...
Letters to San Mateo residents started arriving in January. The company told people they may no longer be providing landline service if its application is approved. A map linked to the application on the CPUC website shows the affected areas, which include San Mateo County, Sant...
even though the group has fought measures for retiring wireline in the past. In early December, it praised AT&T’s testing results and said they “demonstrate that a replacement technology for legacy telephone service is both technologically and economically feasible” — although it also n...
There are various services provided by this company, which include fixed telephone services, mobile telephone services, internet service, home security service, etc. Since it provides so many services, there have to be maintenance services for each department! Also, there have to be instances where...
POTS, the loving acronym for “plain old telephone service,” is the single oldest continuously operating network in existence. It predates even the earliest vestiges of the internet by three-quarters of a century. It’s so ubiquitous and so reliable that the notion of eliminating it is quite...
Lifeline, according to the Public Advocates Office at the CPUC. Basic service includes elements such as Lifeline rates for eligible customers, free access to 911, operator services and Telephone Relay Service, which allows people with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive phone call...
AT&T’s lobbyists havesignaled this agenda for years, pressing state and federal lawmakers to get rid of “universal service” requirements that mandate reliable, basic landline telephone service to any customer in their service area who requests it. AT&T wants the definition of “basic telephon...
I do find it ridiculous that with a land line you pay for each additional service like caller id etc. Things that are free with cell phones. In fact, I would just go ahead and cancel my land line all together, but there are some people my wife and I do not want to give out our...