WirelessPhone: Landline:1-800-331-0500 Services DIAL: Send(*646#) DIAL: Send(*729)DIAL: CheckusageorbalanceviaaFREEtextmessage. DIAL:Send(*3282#) CheckdatausageviaaFREEtextmessage. SetUpMailbox/CheckMessages PRESSandHOLDtodialyourvoicemailandfollow ...
(*729)See att.com/StarServices for limits regarding *MIN#/*DATA#.TXT-2-PAY: A monthly text message reminder of your bill — and you can pay just by replying.·Contact UsWeb: att.com/wirelessWireless Phone: 611Landline: 1-800-331-0500Access our automated phone systems to pay yourbill...
Add money over the phone or on the interenet Step 1 Go to the GoPhone web page at att.com/mygophone. If you would prefer to add more money to your prepaid phone over the phone rather than on the internet you can call 611 from your prepaid phone, 800-901-9878 from a landline if...
Call 855-899-8217 to get a AT&T traditional landline, VoIP or wireless service for your business. Also bundle with Internet services to save.
However, when I went to their website to see if I could keep my landline number the site said no and offered no explanation. When I called them to inquire, the person I spoke to sounded like she was in Siberia. The connection cut out ever few seconds. That didn't make a good ...
9. Landline – Home phone customer service – 800.288.2020 Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. local time. 10. DIRECTV customer service – 800.288.2020 Every day, 8 a.m. – midnight ET. 11. DIRECTV technical support – 800.288.2020 ...
AT&T is the largest provider of local and long distance home telephone service in the United States. When you receive a voice mail message from someone on your AT&T landline, you need to retrieve that message. Doing so is simply a case of pressing the ri
AT&T Business Phone Give your business a voice with a landline phone from AT&T Business. Chat with customers, clients, and employees for as long as you like with Unlimited Local and International plans. Explore Phone DIRECTV FOR BUSINESS℠ Display your customers’ favorite sports, movies, news...
Web:Wireless Phone:Landline:1-800-331-0500Services DIAL:Send (*646#)DIAL:Send (*729)DIAL:Check usage or balance via a FREE text message.DIAL:Send (*3282#)Check data usage via a FREE text message.Set Up Mailbox/Check Messages PRESS and HOLD to dial your voicemail and follow the pr...
Wireless Home Phone is a mobile device that may be used with home phone equipment (not included) as an alternative to hard wired traditional landline phone service. 5.0 out of 5 stars, average rating value. Read 2 Reviews. Same page link. 5.0 (2) Write a review Key features All Specs ...