skip to main content time to plug into a wired subscription. you've run out of free articles. keep your access fully charged for just $30 $5 for one year. landline phone owners are protesting at&t’s plans to drop service in california, at&t is designated as the carrier of last resort...
service to rural areas that wouldn't otherwise get it. There are undoubtedly still hundreds of thousands of systems and devices — fax machines, burglar alarms, and so on — that are designed for POTS and don't play well with IP-based phone adapters like AT&T's Mobile Premises Services, ...
SAN MATEO COUNTY -- AT&T's recent moves to scrap traditional landlines have generated concern from some Bay Area elected leaders who are hoping to preserve what's perceived as a vital service in isolated mountain and coastal regions. In remote regions where cellular service is spo...
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AT&T has been the state's COLR since 1996. It is the only state telecommunications carrier that operates landlines. If AT&T's designation is removed, so goes the physical infrastructure for landline service. The potential loss of landlines has irked thousands of customers and spurred local gov...
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