During the sampling phase, time steps of 4.0 fs were used, enabled by constraining all bonds involving hydrogen atoms64 to their equilibrium lengths as well as applying the hydrogen mass repartitioning method65. Data analysis was performed using VMD 1.9.366 and CPPTRAJ67. Simulation set-up ...
The main limiting factor of the imaging rate of AFM is the response speed of the moving components of the atomic force microscope, i.e., the probe and the scanner. The response speed of these components is a function of the inverse of the square root of their mass (v∼1/m). ...
Mercury is methylated by bacteria in water and converted to an organic form usually methylmercury.They determined mercury compounds in fish by microwave-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography-vapor generation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. A method employing a vapor generation system ...
However, molecular mass determination by gel filtration may be not accurate due to the poor resolution of the NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 8:16064 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16064 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications 9 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16064 gel filtration retention times ...
Using the scanning amplitudes 𝐴𝑓𝑠Asf and the mechanical properties of the DNP AFM tip mentioned above, the tip–sample interaction force 𝐹𝑗𝑓𝑠Fjsf could be simulated using the point-mass model (Equation (1)) with the assumed Young’s modulus Ea of 50–250 MPa at 25-MPa ...