By adding big or small features using JavaScript and HTML, you can personalize your own text editor as much as you want. Furthermore, it serves adetailedvideoguidecalled 'Setting Up Atom' that is hardly provided in many other open-source editors. In addition, this editor comes with itsown ...
Atom is a free, open-source code editor developed by GitHub. It is built using web technologies, including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Node.js. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, it provides a highly customizable environment for writing and editing code. Its modular architecture allows us...
Atom is a free, open-source code editor developed by GitHub. It is designed to provide developers with a highly customizable environment for writing and editing code. Built using web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Node.js, Atom 32bit is available for Windows, macOS, and Lin...
Download Atom 1.60.0 for Mac from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✔ Free and open source futuristic text editor for Mac OS X.
KeywordsEdit Text,Code Editor,Highlight Syntax,Editor,Syntax,Highlighter,View Users' rating (27 rating) Currently 2.48/5 1 2 3 4 5 Add to saved freewareReport spywareDownload Atom - Freeware Download Notice Atom Free Download - we do not host any Atom torrent files or links of Atom on rapi...
Download Atom 1.60.0 for Mac - Highly customizable code editor that offers full GitHub integration and helps developers do as many jobs as possible from a single UI
github atom编辑器linux版是针对linux平台而开发的一款开源免费跨平台代码编辑器,是由“社区化编程(Social Coding)”著称的Github推出了一款重量级产品,具有简洁和直观的图形用户界面,同时拥有很多有趣的特点:支持CSS,HTML,JavaScript等网页编程语言。与目前热门的Vim、Emacs等老牌编辑器相比,atom编辑器优化了整体的操作性...
Install Text Editor - Atom - Updated in 2023, by Herong YangWebCounter: Programming Tutorial Books ASP Tutorial Examples C# Tutorial Examples Free Web Services H (Hybrid) Language HTML Tutorial Examples Java GC Tutorials Java Swing Tutorials Java Tutorial Examples Java Tools Tutorials JavaScript Tuto...
2. 在设置页面中,您将看到一些选项卡,如“Editor”(编辑器)、“Themes”(主题)和“Install”(安装)。点击“Install”选项卡。 3. 在“Install”选项卡中,您可以搜索您要下载的插件。在搜索框中输入插件的名称或关键字,然后按下回车键。 4. 搜索结果将显示在页面上。您可以按照排名、名称或星级筛选插件。一般...
在设置界面点击Editor面板, 勾选show Indent Guide 不勾选(左)与勾选效果(右)对比 3 设置Tab缩进长度 设置界面Editor面板中 设置Tab Length为4 四 配置Package Atom有很多功能强大的Package,实现了各种各样的功能。 想要使用这些功能,我们需要安装Packege ...