Atom is a free, open-source code editor developed by GitHub. It is designed to provide developers with a highly customizable environment for writing and editing code. Built using web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Node.js, Atom 32bit is available for Windows, macOS, and Lin...
KeywordsEdit Text,Code Editor,Highlight Syntax,Editor,Syntax,Highlighter,View Users' rating (27 rating) Currently 2.48/5 1 2 3 4 5 Add to saved freewareReport spywareDownload Atom - Freeware Download Notice Atom Free Download - we do not host any Atom torrent files or links of Atom on rapi...
1. 打开Atom编辑器,找到菜单栏中的“File”选项,点击“File”后下拉菜单中选择“Settings”或者直接按下快捷键”Ctrl + ,”,打开Atom的设置面板。 2. 在设置面板中,找到左侧菜单栏中的“Install”选项,点击进入插件安装页面。 3. 在插件安装页面,有一个搜索框,你可以输入你想要下载的插件名称,然后按下回车键进...
Code of conduct MIT license Atom Atom and all repositories under Atom will be archived on December 15, 2022. Learn more in ourofficial announcement Atom is a hackable text editor for the 21st century, built onElectron, and based on everything we love about our favorite editors. We designed ...
For some of my tutorials, I use the Atom Code Editor. It's not as easy as Coda, but it does provide a LOT more flexibility in terms of configuration and...
Free and open source text editor, brought to you by GitHub Verified 2.8kfollowers San Francisco, CA PinnedLoading atomatomPublic archive The hackable text editor JavaScript60.3k17.4k flight-manual.atom.ioflight-manual.atom.ioPublic archive ...
推荐个Mac OSX下的Code Editor:Atom 首先只是当Editor用,不是整成IDE级。 先说几个大家耳熟能详的: 1、Sublime,Sublime在Mac下的安装并不完全,CLI启动需要自己ln个链接。还有一些其他原因,比如Packages安装不太方便,有些Package配置起来也很麻烦,我是用惯Notepad++的人,用起来UI交互觉得不太顺手。最后,这个东西...
当时,许多人感到惋惜,毕竟 Atom 是一款专为程序员而设计、历经 11 年发展的跨平台文本编辑器,然而微软在 2018 年收购 GitHub 后,Atom 因为性能、生态系统问题,落败于后起之秀 VS Code 之手,逐渐被 GitHub 淘汰。 时光流转,两年后的现在,Atom 创始人 Nathan Sobo 在秉持着“世界各地的开发人员都需要更好的... ▶大模型时代,谁会成为闭源的 Windows 和开源的 Linux? ▶12306升级拦截恶意“抢票”软件;iOS 18或迎来重磅更新;GitHub Copilot被曝代码质量降低 | 极客头条 ...
├── atom-coffee-repl Coffee REPL for Atom Editor (642 downloads, 2 stars) ├── Scoffee-syntax A coffee inspired theme from the guys over at S.CALLAHAN (30 downloads, 0 stars) ├── coffee-navigator Code navigation panel for Coffee Script (2589 downloads, 18 stars) ...