峰值承受功率高达500瓦。Atlantis Lab AT 18 类型:落地音箱 使用单元:具有1寸压缩室的高音 × 1,160mm boomer单元 × 1,130mmboomer单元 × 1 阻抗:4 Ω 频率响应:33 Hz - 20 kHz 承受功率:250 瓦,峰值 500 瓦 效率:96 dB 尺寸:920 × 285 × 320 mm(H×W×D)重量:28 公斤 ...
Atlantis Lab 是由上瑞音响新代理引进的品牌,前身为 Atlantis Acoustique,由来自不同领域的专业人士组成,包括专业录音师、混音工程师、音响工程师…等,最初的产品以专业领域为主,之后则延伸至家用及剧院领域。目前 Atlantis Lab 旗下音箱可分成 Pro 及 Hi-Fi 两大系列,这次要介绍的AT 18 属于 Hi-Fi 系列的中阶...
Atlantis Lab 前身为 Atlantis Acoustique,由来自不同领域的专业人士组成,包括专业录音师、混音工程师、音响工程师…等,最初的产品以专业领域为主,之后则延伸至家用及剧院领域。目前 Atlantis Lab 旗下音箱可分成 Pro 及 Hi-Fi 两大系列,这次要介绍的AT 18 属于 Hi-Fi 系列的中阶产品。 当前浏览器不支持播放音...
【新品速递】100dB 的超高效率:Atlantis Lab AT31 落地音箱 【新品速递】从专业领域跨足家用音箱:Atlantis Lab AT 18 落地音箱 敬请点击“阅读原文” “视听发烧网”,获取更多更新快音响资讯。 添加微信号:sthificom
After looking around at the weapons, he chooses to commandeer a tank (seemingly at random) to start his diabolical scheme. SpongeBob and Patrick are about to see the world's oldest bubble.Meanwhile, Mr. Krabs enjoys the money vault, Sandy enjoys the science lab, and Squidward enjoys the ...
法国音箱厂Atlantis Lab旗下有五款落地音箱,二当家AT31看起来不过是一般略小的中型落地音箱,单支重量却有60公斤。而且它具有高达 100dB 的超高效率,频率响应也可以从 30Hz~20kHz(+/-1dB),让人看到数据就惊讶不已。AT31 搭载了一颗 1 英寸钕磁铁驱动的 PP 振膜压缩驱动高音,配上一组号角,这是它高效率...
Endah Labati Silapurna The existence of the mining sector such as coal mining for example, as one of the nonrenewable resources is needed to support mining activities. The mining sector located along the Meratus mountains in the forests of Borneo on one hand has economic benefits, but on the...
$URLis the URL that Atlantis can be reached at $USERNAMEis the GitHub/GitLab username you generated the token for $TOKENis the access token you created. If you don't want this to be passed in as an argument for security reasons you can specify it in a config file (seeConfiguration) ...
Using the Trigno Lab wireless electromyography acquisition... Article detailsDownload article (PDF) Proceedings Article Postcolonial Uncanny Narrative in Heart of Darkness Yang Yang In the postcolonial context of Heart of Darkness, abject is the result of westerners’ binary opposition to non-westerners ...
Science isn’t self-correcting, it’s self-destructing. To save the enterprise, argues Daniel Sarewitz, scientists must come out of the lab and into the real world. MORE ON THE INTEGRITY OF SCIENCE:. Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus. Praise the growing scrutiny of scientific publications. Barb...